Casual invite - June 13-21

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I am working on it
If I am " no show" Say Hi to Sergio and Fernando two of the Divemasters at Scubeshack
Hope you can make it! Don't know Sergio, but have dove with Fernando, Favorites are Juan and Martine.

Hope you can make it! Don't know Sergio, but have dove with Fernando, Favorites are Juan and Martine.


Fernando! man what a Playa a real Don Juan.

I am close to making my Coz return the 17th
If any Scuba Board members are in Coz the week of June 13 to 21, we'd love a chance to put faces to names and meet some of y'all. After our morning dives, we can usually be found at the No Name Bar after 1:00 pm for an hour or so. Stop by and say "Hi" to a transplanted Bostonian and a native Texan.

Jeff and Carla

My wife and I will be in Cozumel June 14 -28 working on our house and getting a few days of diving in. If you want to drop in let me know and I'll send directions.
Hi Jeff and Carla,

I'd love to hook up with you folks.... Jim B (farther down the thread), Donna (his wife) and I are also suppose to "find" each other.

I'm staying at the Bahia and diving with Living Underwater. This is only my second trip to COZ so I'm not sure where the No Name Bar is......... but I'll find it (I've got a Map Chicks' map). Let's try the 6/14 1:00 there....... Sound OK?


Let's see if I can remember to wear my San Carlos Dive tee shirt..... look for me!
Hey JP:

No Name is opposite the cruise ship docks - We'll be there - hope to see ya!


Hey Jeff,

I just got to thinking about what time I'll be getting off the boat. If Jeremy (LUW) holds to his plan...... I'll just bet that I won't be able to make that 1:00 meeting at No Name Bar..... So.... if you don't mind, we'll have to back that up to a later hour. Besides, the bike ride out to the cruise docks takes me a while, ha!( I'm a bit of an adventurous soul and like getting around soley by bike when possible). Just kiddin', I'll get a cab just this once! MY email is

Let me know about a time later than 2:00.


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