Looking at google map, it looks like you will have to load and go to any of the dive sites so I don't think that you can really think of any of them as a house reef but rather what dive are you in the mood for, 1 tank or 2 while you are out and how far to drive.
I have not done any dives in the Divi area except Chachada in front of Dive Friends/Dive Inn. It is mostly trash and debride in the shallows. It may be decent deeper. I don't know. I dove this site to see seahorses and a frog fish that was reported there. Check with DF before you go to see what's been spotted lately. They actually have a dry erase board to show landmarks at their Dive Inn location. To me not worth it unless you really want to see a seahorse.
South of you, I have heard that Windsock is an adequate dive with easy entry and good to "get your feet wet" with shore diving in Bonaire. I have also heard good things about Something Special north of you at the DF Yelow Submarine location.
A little futher north still is a good 2 tank combo that I have dove frequently, Bari Reef and the Cliff at DF Hamlet. A small deli, Between Two Buns is in a small shopping area on the left just past the round a about at Bari's. Great sandwiches but a little pricy for lunch. I think Bari also makes a good night dive.
Further north, another 2 tank combo I recommend is Oil Slick then any of the othe dives to 1000 Steps and to me Steps is worth the effort, at least once.
Then the one way road starts and you are committed to a longer drive home. On that stretch, I do Tolo (ole Blue) and of course Karpata. Probably my two favorite dives of all.
Lots of great dives South too and require a little less logistics. Margate Bay is my favorite. Also highly recommend Salt Pier. But most any of the sites before you start getting to the area of current (I think that's somewhere past Margate) is good. Drive along until you see an entry that looks doable to you, park and dive!
The one way road starts past 1000 steps and goes to Karpata. At Karpata, you swing inland through Rincon to home. I am bad with time /distance guestimations. Maybe 30 mins from Karpata to Kralendijk?