Canon GL2 W/ OceanImages UW housing

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Honolulu, HI
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0 - 24
Canon GL2 video camera (complete software, cables, manual, etc.) with OceanImages housing. Camera also comes with, extra battery, Porta Brace weather protector and an extended warranty that expires 5/07.
Both camera and housing are in excellent shape with little use (see photos below)
If interested please email me at
$2,500 for everything.
I've been looking at cameras and housings for half the price. But curious anyway. Have you had any trouble with the tape not ejecting? I've read they had issue with that. Have you got any digital video online from this? It's tempting, but I'm going to have trouble getting it through the financing (wife). From the pics it looks to be in good shape.

Oh, and why are you getting rid of it?
I have not had any trouble with the tape ejecting. In fact I have a couple short 30 sec. video clips of the GL2 in the housing and with the camera ejecting a tape (I filmed it with my digital camera in video mode so the quality of the clip is just OK). I can email you those clips if you like.
I've used the housing twice, first without the camera to test for leaks. No problems there so my next dive I tried it out for real. Again, no problems. Not the greatest of dives...a little cloudy and pretty shallow (25-35 feet) but if interested I can convert a quick clip from that dive to mpg and shoot that off to you also (unless you can recommend another option...I know some uploading websites exist but I've never posted video to a website before). All controls on the housing worked flawlessly via the LANC hook up.
Other than that I just haven't had the time to dive. It's frustrating looking at this great video/housing equipment that I spent alot for and not making the most of I decided to see if anyone would be interested in it.
I originally bought the camera to video tape the canoe paddlers I coached. Shooting mostly from the beach required a strong optical zoom and the GL2 perfomed perfectly! But I'm not actively coaching and not using the camera for any other purpose so there really isn't any good reason for me to have this much camera.

By chance are you in Illinois? If so, there is a good chance I'll be in Indianapolis around 8/19 and if you are interested in buying I could ship from there (I live in Hawaii and shipping ain't cheap...I would think this could save a few bucks for you and possible help in negotiations with your chief financial officer :D ).

Thanks for the interest and Aloha!

I've been looking at cameras and housings for half the price. But curious anyway. Have you had any trouble with the tape not ejecting? I've read they had issue with that. Have you got any digital video online from this? It's tempting, but I'm going to have trouble getting it through the financing (wife). From the pics it looks to be in good shape.

Oh, and why are you getting rid of it?
Wow, sounds like a great deal on a great camera. And yes I'm in Illinois, Indy is about a 3 hour drive. I would def drive to pick this up if I could. I don't want to jack you around though, I was more curious than anything, since this is one of the cameras I was looking at. Unfortunatly it is about 1000.00 more than I was wanting to spend. Believe me, I'm trying to justify it in my mind right now! I've been looking at the Sony VX1000's and I think this GL2 would just kick it's butt.

Thanks for the reply. I'm still considering it, but I think it's a long shot right now.

Hi Chris -
Not a problem...I just started to put the word out and I'm not in a huge rush to sell it. I just tossed the Illinois idea out there because I'm likely to be in the area later this month. Feel free to contact me in the future if you may be interested I may still have it for sale! Thanks and Aloha,

Wow, sounds like a great deal on a great camera. And yes I'm in Illinois, Indy is about a 3 hour drive. I would def drive to pick this up if I could. I don't want to jack you around though, I was more curious than anything, since this is one of the cameras I was looking at. Unfortunatly it is about 1000.00 more than I was wanting to spend. Believe me, I'm trying to justify it in my mind right now! I've been looking at the Sony VX1000's and I think this GL2 would just kick it's butt.

Thanks for the reply. I'm still considering it, but I think it's a long shot right now.


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