Can anyone recommend good dive school for instructor internship?

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I qualified as a rescue diver and would really like to go away for some time and do the divemaster and then instructor internship. I shopped around but don't have a clue which schools are good and which not. I don't really mind where as long as dive sites and people are nice.
Please feel free to write as much as you can, thanks a lot!
Please have a look at our all-inclusive, full-featured Aqunauats COMPLETE and budget-priced Aquanauts VALUE internships at the link below! You can reach us directly at or call toll-free 0800-8456-710 from the UK.

Also, plesae note we will be at the Dive 2009 show at the NEC Birmingham Oct. 24-25. See Aquanauts 5-Star CDC at Booth 606. Also, we will have a 30-minute presentation at 12:15 pm. both days.
Hi Agata, i did my IDC on June, i can say that one fo the best options in Playa del Carmen or maybe the best one is doin g it with Ferry Sneekes, through diversity divers (Carlos and Angela), check their web page.You will find an excellent staff there and and excellent course director with Ferry.Good luck!

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