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Voorhees, NJ
I own a Canon Powershot S30 digital Camera. I bought the underwater housing for it but i now realize u need an external flash to get good pics. Is there ne way to make a flash like keep a flashlight on the oobject u r taking because i read that this particular model does not except external flasehes. Does ne one no anything. PLEZE HELP!!!
Sorry about your strobe situation. Flashlights don't provide enough light or the right kind of light to improve your photos. A HID light would help but it is by no means a strobe replacement.

I'm sure others will have other ideas.
NJscuadivr77 once bubbled...
but i now realize u need an external flash to get good pics.

There are many on this board who have posted great shots using the internal flash on their camera or no flash at all. Don't sell yourself short! Sure, it may be better long term to have an external strobe but learning how to use your camera without one is valuable too!


One of the myths shrouding underwater photography is you need a strobe. Yes a strobe may make things easier to work with. When we shoot marine mammals we can not use strobes/flashes/etc, it's all ambient.


I'm in the same situation but am experimenting with what I have . . .the internal flash is pretty good at least. I have a HID light too that I try out.

Good luck
Would have to second Bachus on this one. Whilst a strobe does make a difference, with the right ambient light and perhaps some use of internal flash or a good diffused dive torch you can take great pics :)

Add a strobe when you have the money to, but don't let it stop you taking pics and learning from them. That's the big advantage of going digital, you can take as many pics as you like and you get to see them straight away.

A few of mine taken in Turkey recently are at All of these were taken with a Canon S400 with no strobe. Am not saying that they are much good...but that's the point...I am learning.

I use the equivilant camera (S45) with the same housing and I am really suprised at how effective the internal flash is. What little backscatter I got was easily dealt with in Pshop. Based on this I don't plan to bother with a strobe for some time.

What water conditions are you diving in? This is more likely to be an issue in poorer vis.

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