c5050 fstop

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i take it you are talking about in program mode?

on the 3040 you can change it via the arrow buttons up, down or left right, cant remember which way now.

but I understand you can use the dial on the 5050 for making changes as well.

failing that take the batteries out for a couple of minutes

thats all i can say sorry
I just got done playing around with mine. Try this....

Switch to A mode on your dial (Aperture = Fstop). You'll probably be set on 1.8 for fstop. Zoom in. Now your Fstop changes to like 2.6.

I don't think this is a camera malfunction. It sounds more of like a professional photo question, something to do with how the aperture (f-stop) works with taking pictures and such.

Maybe it's some way of preventing you from super-overexposing? Believe me, I've tried to overexpose this thing into pure whiteness, but it just doesn't happen.

Darn those foolproof systems :D

I'll keep browsing around and checking on what I can find. If you want total control over your fstop and shutter, move to M (manual) mode on the dial. You can change both using the bezel. But for the most part I am just lazy and let the camera do it for me.
Which shooting mode (P, A, M or S) are you in?

You won't be able to change to aperture (f-stop) in P or S mode as in both cases the camera determins it for you.

In A (Aperture priority) you can change it by turning the jog dial

In M (Manual) you need to hold down the +/- button on the left and turn the jog dial
Switch to A mode on your dial (Aperture = Fstop). You'll probably be set on 1.8 for fstop. Zoom in. Now your Fstop changes to like 2.6.
Look at the front of the lens - you'll see 7.1-21.3mm 1.8-2.6. This shows you the widest aperture you can use at that focal length where 7.1 is full wide and 21.3 is full tele. This is because the image given by the lens reduces in brightness proportionally as the focal length increases.
i dont have my camera with me right now (got stolen and im waiting on DEPP) but I was on M mode. I thought the +/- button was white balance, not fstop/aperture.. what a dodo... i'll have to wait and see , i cant wait til i get it back thanks guys
Well...tell us...how did your camera get stolen? What happened?!?!? :D
at freakin gunpoint or knife point i was too scared to turn around and look what it was. It was night and i was walking home from the mall where I got my digital pics printed for my album . Mall is within walking distance to my house (10 min walk) and is not at all in a dinky ghetto area so i was just at the wrong place at the wrong time i guess. this was in the philippines by the way. So bye bye cameras and FIVE HUNDRDED FREAKIN TWELVE MB worth of pictures on my cf flash ccard DAMMIT!!!!!!!! the ok ones from what i have left is at:

:( :upset:

what a freakin pissoff I sent the police report to DEPP on friday and ill see what happens, they need to pass it to the guy that approves claims. What sucks is now I find out my damn light cannon wont work (separate thread under lights) what the hellllll is going on bad bad karma (hey but i didnt do nething bad im a good girl)
That just plain sucks! You've got DEPP so I wouldn't be concerned about the camera, they've always been excellent to me in dealing with claims. But to lose your pictures! That hurts!!!

I'm glad you are safe and OK. You did the right thing, no sense risking your life for material stuff.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for ya! Go outside to the nearest bush with flowers on it. Spit on the ground, turn around three times, then spit at the top of the bush. I'm serious...do it! This is one of my Grandfathers cures for bad luck. It may have been made up for us grandkids and it may be mental suggestion but I swear, it always works for me!

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