C-4040 problem...camera or SM card?

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Today while trying to delete some photos from my SM card via the camera, it seemed to get hung up on the process. The red write light came on and started blinking...and continued to do so for several minutes. As there were only 4 photos on the card, I didn't think it should take this long. I tried turning off the camera and it wouldn't do so. I ended up having to take the batteries out to stop the process. I tried it again with the same results. This was all done in the view program, with the green arrow on the dial.

I went into the menu and formatted the card to delete the photos.

Is this just a glitch, something wrong with the SM card, or something wrong with the camera? The card is several months old and I've been careful with it.
Dee, try the following:

1. After formatting the (problem) card try shooting several pics (in fact fill the card up):
a. do you get any errors writing to the card?
b. delete the photos one by one. Do you still get the problem you're facing
If the answer is 'No' to both (1a) and (1b) then it's possible that your card has developed bad sectors and the formatting has marked these bad sectors so they can't be written on again. I wouldn't risk it and ditch the card.

If the answer is 'Yes' to either or both (1a) or (1b) then:
2. Do the same with another formatted card
a. do you get any errors writing to the card?
b. delete the photos one by one. Do you get the same problem?
If the answer is ''No' then I would suspect that there is something wrong with the card and not the camera. Ditch the card.
I didn't get any write errors when taking those pictures. I'll try your suggestion and get back to you.

OK...you ever sit in front of your computer and wonder what you're gonna take 47 pictures of? :D So I ended up taking pictures of the pictures coming up on my screen saver. The timing of the write times and the fades were just about the same.

Experiment results...In taking 47 pictures, there were no write errors and I deleted each one seperately from the view menu with no problems. The original problem didn't occur during writing, and I could copy/download the pics to my computer. It was only when trying to delete them.

I hate to trash this card :rolleyes: but since D/L wasn't a problem, I'll mark it and put it up to only be used in case of emergency.

Sorry...blame the frugal German in me!

Thanks for the ideas, ReyeR! I was afaid I'd be force to upgrade to the 5050! :wacko:
Dee once bubbled... I'll mark it and put it up to only be used in case of emergency.

A problem card is the absolute last one I would turn to in an "emergency". You want a card you can count on. I believe I'd ditch it after you exhaust all the testing possibilities.
I have to agree with Ted, I would not want to depend on a suspect card for an emergency.

However, being rather frugal myself, I would hate to ditch the card. How about just using it to practice things? (light settings, focusing etc, etc)
Hmmm, Dee. Don't you hate it when that happens! Ditch it or not :confused: . Tango with Murphy's Law or not? That once in a lifetime Whale Shark comes cruising by and :boom: .....

WHy ditch it? I agree with you - in an emergency, it's OK to use the card. An emergency would be like if you had no other card to use (which is better than no card at all).
I hate it when you ALL make sense! :wink:

DivingGal's suggestion makes sense. This way I'll still get SOME use out of it!
The data cards we use in the cameras are limited in their life. They will eventually not work and you will not be able to write or copy from them. Dee's card may be close to the end of it's life. I would keep it for practice and/or use it when my other cards are filled and I couldn't download the pics from the other cards.

It may be time to purchase a new one soon.
I called Olympus about a lens question and while I had them on the phone I asked about this. Wilson, nice guy BTW, explained how the cards work and that just deleting pics will leave a shadow or blueprint of the pic on the card. That's why the cards need to be formatted occasionally. I generally format a card when I've filled one a deleted everything but if there are just a few pics on a card, I have a tendacy to just delete them. So it's a problem of me not formatting that card in a while. The test that ReyeR had me do was a good indicator..at least Wilson seemed to think so.

Bottom line is never delete or format a card through a card reader or software program. (I never have but have been temptedsince it was so handy to do so). When a card starts going bad, you'll get error messages when trying to write to the card, or knowing the card is empty it will say 'full card'. In other words, you'll know if it's bad. I'm still thinking I'll be safe and just put this card to the back to be used for practice shots in the yard!

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