I rarely see anyone posting names to the board, I've found most of the 'connections' happen person to person. My suggestion if you anticpiate gear or health issues, plan backup buddies in advance. Ask to dive with others from the start, even with your buddy.
I have my steady buddy, but we have adopted divers almost every trip. Don't ask me why, we are not loud, vocal, outgoing life of party types. Quiet, almost aloof. Various ways - this year we met Dave getting off the plane, all staying at Buddy (solo first trip for him), asked if he could meet up and dive with us. We hung, dove and ate with Dave the week he was there. Met a French gentleman on boat, I speak no French, he spoke some English. Similar photo gear (his was nicer), similar dive style (slow controlled avoid the herd), we ended up spotting critters for each other through the dive, back on boat he asked if he could shore dive with us. I think we will dive with just about anyone at least once. If you do something incredibly stupid, illegal or dangerous we're done.