BP/W questions.

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Wallingford, Connecticut
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100 - 199
Currently dive a BCD with 20 lbs on a belt. It seems that the weight belt is part of the reason why my lower back gets sore half way through my dives.
I'm looking to get the BP/W setup soon. So far have chosen the OMS SS Backplate. As for harness, I'm leaning towards the OMS Comfort Harness(http://www.leisurepro.com/Prod/CategoryID_964/Context_954/Sort_Stock/DescSort_0/OMSCHS.html?Hit=1) or the OMS Harness w/6 D-rings and Quick Release(http://www.leisurepro.com/Prod/CategoryID_964/Context_954/Sort_Stock/DescSort_0/OMSH6QR.html?Hit=1) Might not even go with OMS on this. Just not sure yet. Any opinions?
Now the wing is another mystery. Was going to get a wing for doubles but am now leaning towards a wing for singles since I'm not diving doubles for probably another two years. Upgrade some other year when I start doing doubles. I take it a 30lbs wing for my steel tank would suffice? Which brand? I haven't got that figured out yet.
The OMS SS backplates come in only one size? correct? I'm 5'4". Does it matter? There's another brand that apparently sells their backplate in 3 different sizes and I fall between small and medium on theirs. Makes me wonder if OMS one size is ok for my height. What are your opinions on that?
DSS has weight plates for their backplates(http://www.deepseasupply.com/page8.html) Do I have that option for the OMS backplate? I want to try and get as much weight off my waist to aleviate the pain while diving.
If I place weight pockets on the harness waist straps, I don't want to have more than maybe 5 pounds in each. So I'm looking to place weight elsewhere as long as I can still maintain a good horizontal trim. So many choices. Any opinions on anything here?
I'm 5'4" and 120 lbs, and I've tried both the small and medium DSS plate, and the medium works better for me. Plate size isn't as critical for a singles rig, since you have options of moving the plate up and down to get everything positioned as you want it. It becomes far more critical if and when you move to doubles, because you have so many fewer degrees of freedom on positioning of the tanks.

As far as I know, DSS is unique in having the weight plates, and they don't fit on anybody else's plate. For singles rigs, you have the option of putting weight pockets on the cambands, which I use to adjust my trim. People have also done clever things with zip tieing ankle weights to the edges of the plate, or making homemade weights, or you can also use a weighted STA to move weight up onto your back. For me, a SS backplate and three pounds on the cambands trims me out perfectly with a steel 95, but that's with 18 pounds on a weight belt still.

As far as harness goes, I started with a Hog harness and still have one. Over and over again, I have read here about people getting some other type of harness and converting to Hog. One of my dive buddies did that. He got a Pro-Fit harness from DSS, and found that there was noplace he could position the quick release that really pleased him, and he went to a one piece harness. I honestly don't think there is a good reason to use anything else. A properly adjusted harness is not hard to get in and out of.
Get the one piece HOG harness and save yourself a lot of headaches. If it's setup correctly you don't need quick releases. You don't need padding because the wetsuit or drysuit takes care of that for you.

Do put 4 D-rings on it. Left hip, right hip, left shoulder strap, and right shoulder strap.

No, the crotch strap does not pinch or any of the other horror stories you may have heard and it does help to stabilize the rig on the surface.
There are other BP manufacturers that sell plates in different sizes, Oxycheq and TDI come to mind. DSS uses weight plates while other manufacturers use weighted STA's.
You may want to try hammerhead at http://www.hammerheadbackplates.com/pricepoint.htm

Between the plate, STA, and harness you are looking at 12 lbs off the belt. You will probably loose another 2lbs when you switch to the wing, so that will leave you 6lbs on the belt.
I like the DUI weight harness, no weight belt at all, gets the weight off your waist.
I had the chance to check out the DSS stuff yesterday at a shop. The weight plates are really cool, especially if drysuit diving or diving wet in cold water. I'm going to get single tank rigs for both my wife and me.
One reason your lower back is sore is because your arch your back too much as you swim. Watch your position in the water next time out. Reducing the weigh will help.

A cause of lower back pain is in the ARCH you do to remain trimed/flat...you may not realize it...as you swim you may arch the back as opposed to just lifting your head to look around...you feel it when you get out and sit down..the lower back feels stiff.

Switching to a back plate will help greatly. Also an STA..as mentioned above...your shaving 12 lbs off your hips.

Consult a personal trainer at a local gym if you need to...Do some core fitness workouts, it will help with the back pain to a point. Also, Stretch before you dive.

Works for me...

I have the DSS medium plate, no STA, and 40 pound DSS wing. I started with the pro-fit harness and went right to a hog one piece. Lisa has the OMS plate with STA and 32 pound OMS wing. She started with the comfort fit harness and found that it's too big for her and it's difficult to adjust. We are setting her rig up with a hog harness as well. The comfort harness looks nice, but really, the hog is much easier to use. I have both original harnesses if you are interested in buying one ....

One thing to note on the DSS weight plates. I had a tough time with my trim using an AL80 and the 8 pound weight plates. I switched to a steel HP100, removed the plates and what a difference.

Also, we switch over to OMS 45 pound wings using the same plates, for doubles.

I have the OMS Comfort Harness and Al. plate and Luv it. I have the DR recwing on it with eather a DR sta or my Dub 95's and it works great. In the future I might move up to a little wider wing for some more stability. But I'm good for now.
I'll be diving drysuit with single steel LP85 for probably the next two years. I know I'll need a good size wing when I do go doubles but if I buy the bigger wing now, won't it be overkill for the single. I should get the smaller wing now and buy the bigger wing later? What size wings if I go either way now?

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