As I was leaving Bonaire last week I met another diver and we got on the subject of drysuits. He mentioned that he was a big fan on Moby because he could carry less weight than with a thin wetsuit. He mentioned DUI by name and indicated that they are more bouyant and require more weight.
I understand that the material a suit is made from will effect the bouyance but the main question is this... is the bouyance of suits made from similar material going to vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer? What are the other factors I am missing?
oopps - wrong forum, please move to Exposure Protection
I understand that the material a suit is made from will effect the bouyance but the main question is this... is the bouyance of suits made from similar material going to vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer? What are the other factors I am missing?
oopps - wrong forum, please move to Exposure Protection