Bonaire - Single Diver

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Lake Barrington, IL
# of dives
50 - 99

I am going to Bonaire, 1st time, next March and I need some advice. I am taking my Non-diving wife and would like to know how to get any shore diving with out a buddy?
Any recommedations on dive operators for boat dives in Bonaire?

Any help, much appreciated.

where are you staying? Usually thats a good start as to where to dive. Having said that I personally think that best boat diving is with Carib Inn. However they don't do nitrox so if that's important don't go there :)
Bas is great person to do a dive adventure with, shore based that is. He can take you places you are unlikely to go on your own.
If you go to Den Lamen or Sand Dollar, you have really easy access to Bari Reef right out front, diving with Bonaire Dive and Adventure. The BDA boats are a few minutes from Klein Bonaire (i.e., directly across from Klein) and are just fine. Nitrox is free. Tanks are now available on the dock 24/7. Snorkeling (if your wife does that) is quite nice, with a lot of geological variety close to shore north and south. The Sand Dollar property has one of the few true sandy beaches on Bonaire.
To some extent it depends on where you are staying. While you can use any shop, it is usually easier to use whichever shop happens to work with the place you are staying. I am not aware of any bad shops on Bonaire although I do have my preferences, as does everyone else. If you are looking for a buddy, you have several options. First, many of the resorts have a buddy board where you can hook up with a buddy. You can also do a few boat dives and see if you can hook up with someone or you can post asking for buddies on this board and on the Bonaire board BonaireTalk. I have had some luck doing the latter.
Nice place.always wanted to stay there. you can dive right out front or is it back. as to where to go boat diving and get air. the closer the better, its all good but know nothing first hand about dive friends.

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