Bonaire Dec 2004 Pictures

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Merry Christmas to all, :frosty:

I finally managed to stumble my way to putting some of the best pictures I got while on a fun-packed vacation to Bonaire in December into my gallery. I think there may be a couple pictures scattered around in places besides my gallery, sorry bout that. :banghead:

I used an Oly C750UZ in a PT-018 housing. I did a lot of reading on what ScubaBoard folks had to say and tried using the white balance settings and no flash (onboard flash no strobe). The only pictures I took with the flash were on night dives or into/up under something. The rest of the time I would reset the WB on a patch of white sand every time I changed dept of 10-15 feet. Had a lot of fun trying different shots and trying to stay still for the camera to take the delayed pictures (as digitals do). :smileysto

Anyway, check out my gallery if you care to. Please, don't hesitate to offer opinions on the pictures. I'm here to learn and other's prospective can sometimes help a lot.

Very nice pictures. I'm still learning, too so I don't really have any suggestions.
Nice Shots. I really like available light shooting.
Did you use a red filter (e.g. UR Pro) prior to performing a white balance? You probably wouldn't need it in say the top 20 feet but might help the camera WB below that. \

I have been to Bonaire several times and am going in Feb. I was curious as to how you think the reefs changed (if any) since the hurricane last summer.


Merry Christmas to all, :frosty:

I finally managed to stumble my way to putting some of the best pictures I got while on a fun-packed vacation to Bonaire in December into my gallery. I think there may be a couple pictures scattered around in places besides my gallery, sorry bout that. :banghead:

I used an Oly C750UZ in a PT-018 housing. I did a lot of reading on what ScubaBoard folks had to say and tried using the white balance settings

No red filter, just the std lense and housing.

My first thought was that the visibility wasn't quite as good as last January, but after getting back and comparing photos, it wasn't that much worse. If you do a boat dive, ask for Carl's Hill, saw 4 sea horses at the beginning, and there are two frog fish at the start of the wall at 50 feet. Green one in the end of the tube sticking out and a red one just after that on the wall. Oil slick had octopus' to the north of the ladder, this is also a fun night dive (used the ladder at night). Other than that, most dives were to the south. Angel City out at the second reef is a fun one, saw a couple of spotted rays and green morays on that one.

Have fun in Feb.

Thanks for the luxury of a few minutes escape to my favorite paradise. Your pictures are great - keep practising - keep learning. Was the seahorse at Carl's Hill?

Very nice! Your WB was spot on except for the shot of the Juv. French Angel, it's a little too pink. You probably cahnged depth and didn't recalibrate it...been there!

Great color and your focusing was very good.

Good job! :thumb:
Mynitrox, yes it was Carl's Hill. What a dive, we saw 4 seahorses and the green frog fish at the start of the wall, later others saw a red frogfish also, just nearby. Lots of cools things like slipper lobsters, barraccudas,,,, good stuff.


Thanks for the luxury of a few minutes escape to my favorite paradise. Your pictures are great - keep practising - keep learning. Was the seahorse at Carl's Hill?

I was there first part of December and did see two of the seahorses and both the green and red frogfish. If you look in my gallery I have posted one of my pictures of the red frogfish. Also saw a turtle on the same dive. I was also there last March and saw one of the seahorses then but I had a couple of kids with me and didn't have my camera. Am returning once again this March with a group and just can't wait. OMG what a wonderful place.


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