Bocas Del Toro

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Good Morning. Planning a trip to Panama in Late Sept/early October and would like to spend a week to 10 days in Bocas. Was wondering if anyone has been to Bocas that time of year and could give me any more info on the diving.

Bocas Water Sports the shop to dive with? Would to to hear from others who have gone out with them. I remember reading they had a dive special last year in October.

Anyone stayed at Tropical Suites?
Good Morning. Planning a trip to Panama in Late Sept/early October and would like to spend a week to 10 days in Bocas. Was wondering if anyone has been to Bocas that time of year and could give me any more info on the diving.

Bocas Water Sports the shop to dive with? Would to to hear from others who have gone out with them. I remember reading they had a dive special last year in October.

Anyone stayed at Tropical Suites?

Hi Tracie,

I believe we might have answered some of your questions when you wrote to our email address this morning, but September and October are the two best months to dive in Bocas. In addition to having access to some wonderful sites that we only visit during these months, rainfall is typically insignificant which means better visibility on the inside reefs. Sept./Oct. are slower months here so the beaches, boats, hotels, and restaurants are much less crowded and prices are reduced at many businesses.

While I am biased and I would say that BWS is the best operation to dive with, there are four dive shops on the island and to be totally honest they all offer good experiences. I would suggest reading some of the reviews on Scubaboard and Trip Advisor and then make an informed decision. You can also check out all of the shops once you arrive, speak to their crews and check out their gear/boats and see which one is the best fit.

Tropical Suites is very nice, it is a beautiful property and it is only a two minute walk to our shop. My only concern with them is that they are dead center in the middle of town and sometimes the noise from some of the neighboring discos/bars can get a little loud. You might want to check out BOCAS DEL TORO - Tourism in the Panama Caribbean region for a full list of accommodations in Bocas. We always suggest Hotel Lula's ( to our friends and family who come to visit us in Bocas. It is inexpensive, very clean, in a quieter section of town, and includes a great breakfast. The owners are expats from Atlanta (one is a dive instructor, so they understand divers' needs very well) and they are extremely accommodating..

Just let us know if you have any further questions.
Lula's looked great and I will check it out, but I would really like something on the water or with a water view. Is there some place you would reccomend on the water that would be a bit more quiet? I saw Palma Royale on TA, it looks new and towards the end of town. Does it have any personalty?
Lula's looked great and I will check it out, but I would really like something on the water or with a water view. Is there some place you would reccomend on the water that would be a bit more quiet? I saw Palma Royale on TA, it looks new and towards the end of town. Does it have any personalty?

Lula's does have a water view from the deck, but it does not offer the same views as some of the other properties.

Palma Royale is less than a year old and while I haven't seen the rooms, it looks like a nice place. It is only a five minute walk to our shop. It is fairly close to Club Iguana and El Encanto (two of the noisier bars in town) but I have not heard any complaints about the noise (maybe new construction insulates from the sound? You might want to ask them.)--I've only heard positive reviews. It does offer magnificent views.
We went to Boca Del Toro 2009, We corresponded with Capyjohn and went on his recommendation, he was right on in everything he said, defiantly a good source of reliable information. We stayed at Lula’s and were completely happy with the accommodations and friendly hosts. Did not get a chance to dive as it was a family holiday with little ones. Did some snorkeling at the beaches which was very nice. Would like to go back and dive and a bit stay longer next time.
I've dove Bocas del Toro a number of times since 2000. For most of that time, the only thing trustworthy about Bocas Water Sports were their T-shirts. (And, they did have a great design.) Under Jon's and Stacy's ownership, all that has changed. They are, by far, the best, most professional, most customer focused dive operator that I have ever experienced in Panama.

Here is a link to the review and a few photos from our trip a year ago:

This last September, we dove at Portobelo with Scubapanama. This used to be my favorite dive location in Panama because it's so close to the city, it was inexpensive and the reefs were in great shape with plenty of fish and critters. That's no longer the case. Whether due to lionfish, sediment on the reefs or over-fishing, the reefs at Portobelo are barren compared to Bocas del Toro. You'll have some good diving there.

As for places to stay in Bocas ... my favorite is Cocomo-on-the-Sea. It's also a B&B, but it's right on the water ... across the street from Lulu's.

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