Bocas Del Toro

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Wallingford, CT
Has anyone visited or know anything about the island of Bocas Del Toro, we like to go next summer and would love to get information on diving and good resorts that somebody has been there to share.It sounds like a great place but you read a mixture of reviews and just like to read it from people who been there....
The only Bocas del Toro I know is in Panama, and it's not an island. There is an archipielago de Bocas del Toro which is beautiful, but there are no resorts with accomodations as far as I know.

Are we speaking of the same place?

BDT is a small town on a small island in NE Panama, I did not dive there.
Here's a link to get your research started:

I've heard the diving isn't fabulous and the visibility can be poor after heavy rains (common), but I'm planning to give it a shot when we visit Panamá in the next year or 2. If you go, please let us know how you like it! Happy trails...
I did dive in was mediocre at best. I heard of one resort...Bananas...and it was on a remote island, not close to the main town of Bocas Del Toro, which is on the main island.

It's a fun place, tho. I was living in Costa Rica and it was a fun place to visit. Don't expect beaches...they are not those type of islands. the one good beach (Red Frog Beach or something) you had to take a water taxi to get there. But it WAS fun...walking, people watching, a dolphin-watching boat trip, and taking water taxis to the out-lying key islands to snorkel and hang out on the little ranchos over the water. Oh..and ordering your $8 lobster lunch (and waiting and waiting....don't let yourself get too hungry.) Very Caribbean influenced. My daughter had an asthma flare up while we were there and we spent some time in the little island hospital. We were told by several people (the taxi driver on the way to the hospital, even a hospital clerk) to "Go see Belafonte on the Outer Island for shark oil...that'll cure her asthma. (We opted for the sharks!) But it's just that kind of place. You can fly in, but we took a water taxi from a close by town. You dock and get off the boat...right by the jail. The prisoners love to yell at the disembarking passengers...but I had young children with me and they weren't even too offensive...just yelling, "Hey baayyybeeee....loook at meeeeee", etc. Fun island. I was there in 2002...probably alot has changed. Just don't expect good diving....ZZZZzzzzz
I was there a couple years ago. There are a few beaches and numerous Islands. The town of Bocas is where you you find the dive least in the past. I agree with the above poster. The diving was mediocre at best.The owner of Bocas water sports whom we dove with freely admitted that people dive for something to do when they are down there....they dont come just for the diving. All in all, Bocas is a great place to hang out. One other VERY important thing to take into consideration is rain. It rains ALOT. Since there are numerous rivers that empty into the sea in that area,visibility will vary tremedously according to the amount of rain. Check out the historical rainfall amounts for the time you want to go. I really enjoyed the area,but would not go back strictly for a dedicated dive trip.
I was there four weeks ago. The diving was not great, but the snorkeling was good. The diving could be good under certain circumstances, but I did not get the chance to try out what I think would have been good.

One dive there was very little to see compared to most other diving. Others, there was more life, but mostly small tropical fish, an occasional lobster, crab, ray. I would dive it again, and try to keep an open mind.

I would try to get to Zapatillo Cay, about an hour boat ride away.

The water temp was in the low 80's, the air temp was about the same. It was humid or rainy often.

I tried Starfleet and Bocas Water Sports. The gear that they offered was decent.

The locals of Bocas town was for the most part very friendly. The jail that we walked past was very friendly, wishing us Merry Xmas, although it was August.

Bocas is touristy, but not as touristy as it will get. You don't get pampered. No Hiltons or marriotts or all-inclusive facilities yet.

As noted, it is not a dive destination like you would want if you wanted to just dive, or a dive resort.

The places we stayed at were varied somewhat in type of accomodation, amenities, and price.

Unless you're walking, you will have to rely on water taxi or land taxi, mostly water taxi.

Food's good.

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