Bocas Del Toro and Portobelo or Coiba

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Planning my first dive trip, just got open water cert. I have been doing so research on Bocas and Coiba. I will be in Panama for about two weeks, at the start of september. Should i wait until i am more skilled to dive Coiba, b/c many of the reports that i have read say there is alot of advanced diving in order to see the large ocean life i want to experience.

Either way i am planning to become Advanced Cert. while in panama. If i do Boca i will dive Portobelo, too. Haven't read much on Portobelo diving only about the city from a historical standpoint. Is this town worth hitting up?

Any input is greatly appreciated.
Bienvenidos a Panamá! Welcome to Panama.

Definitely hold off on Coiba. The currents are strong, some of the diving is blue water, it's definitely for advanced divers.

As for getting your AOW, there is only one place to go for that in Panama and it's Bocas Water Sports. Jon brings North American PADI discipline, hospitality and professionalism to Panamanian diving. Jon is a long time Master Dive Instructor, captained a live-aboard, owned a dive shop and was a long time dive instructor in the U.S. before he came to perform miracles with Bocas Water Sports. In the last two years he turned it from an operation I wouldn't go near to a very customer-focused, professional operation. In my opinion, Jon is by far the best dive operator in all of Panama.

It's a good thing you're going in September; the seas should be calm enough that you will be able to dive the wall off Bocas del Toro and Portobelo. From what I've heard, it's spectacular. For most of the year, the seas are too rough and you would have a very hard time in either Bocas or Portobelo finding a site to do the deep dive requirement for your AOW.

That said -- and Jon, forgive me for this -- my favorite diving in Panama has been at Portobelo. (My dive buddy and wife much prefers BWS, so it may be arguable.) Scubapanama is my operator of choice, there. They have very reasonably priced bungalow cabins on site that are neat and clean, and there is an excellent restaurant nearby for lunch and dinner; Los Cañones. You can also get all three meals at Scubapanama. Lunch and dinner usually include freshly caught fish and their breakfast is a great way to start the day.

Diving at Scubapanama is more expensive than BWS, but the reefs are more lush with coral and there are more fish to see.

Here is how I compare Bocas (BWS) and Portobelo (Scubapanama):

Cost of diving - BWS is much less expensive for two-tank boat dives and night dives (if they're able to do them).
Dive site locations - BWS has far more dive sites and more variety, but Portobelo has better quality and visibility. Not having dove the wall at either location, I can't judge the outer sites.
Dive operation: professionalism & customer service - BWS, no contest.
Historic location and local scenery - hands down, Portobelo.
Cost of lodging and food - definitely Portobelo. Although, Bocas has a far greater variety of restaurants, they're more expensive.
Transportation - Portobelo. You can drive there from Panama (the city) in about two hours. Unless you want to spend a 10 hour day driving each way, you'll have to fly to and from Bocas. Be sure to check with Jon about Bocas airport closures before you go.

If you'd like more info about Bocas and BWS, here's a review about my most recent trip to Bocas:


I can agree with some of what Grant says but if you "hold off" on Coiba you will be missing out. yes there are currents and blue water but that is more site specific. With over 25 sites to dive during day trips, there is always something for the beginner and the advanced. Best of both worlds.

Contact Coiba Dive Center for the most experienced DM's and crew in the area.
Bienvenidos a Panamá! Welcome to Panama.

Definitely hold off on Coiba. The currents are strong, some of the diving is blue water, it's definitely for advanced divers.

As for getting your AOW, there is only one place to go for that in Panama and it's Bocas Water Sports. Jon brings North American PADI discipline, hospitality and professionalism to Panamanian diving. Jon is a long time Master Dive Instructor, captained a live-aboard, owned a dive shop and was a long time dive instructor in the U.S. before he came to perform miracles with Bocas Water Sports. In the last two years he turned it from an operation I wouldn't go near to a very customer-focused, professional operation. In my opinion, Jon is by far the best dive operator in all of Panama.

It's a good thing you're going in September; the seas should be calm enough that you will be able to dive the wall off Bocas del Toro and Portobelo. From what I've heard, it's spectacular. For most of the year, the seas are too rough and you would have a very hard time in either Bocas or Portobelo finding a site to do the deep dive requirement for your AOW.

That said -- and Jon, forgive me for this -- my favorite diving in Panama has been at Portobelo. (My dive buddy and wife much prefers BWS, so it may be arguable.) Scubapanama is my operator of choice, there. They have very reasonably priced bungalow cabins on site that are neat and clean, and there is an excellent restaurant nearby for lunch and dinner; Los Cañones. You can also get all three meals at Scubapanama. Lunch and dinner usually include freshly caught fish and their breakfast is a great way to start the day.

Diving at Scubapanama is more expensive than BWS, but the reefs are more lush with coral and there are more fish to see.

Here is how I compare Bocas (BWS) and Portobelo (Scubapanama):

Cost of diving - BWS is much less expensive for two-tank boat dives and night dives (if they're able to do them).
Dive site locations - BWS has far more dive sites and more variety, but Portobelo has better quality and visibility. Not having dove the wall at either location, I can't judge the outer sites.
Dive operation: professionalism & customer service - BWS, no contest.
Historic location and local scenery - hands down, Portobelo.
Cost of lodging and food - definitely Portobelo. Although, Bocas has a far greater variety of restaurants, they're more expensive.
Transportation - Portobelo. You can drive there from Panama (the city) in about two hours. Unless you want to spend a 10 hour day driving each way, you'll have to fly to and from Bocas. Be sure to check with Jon about Bocas airport closures before you go.

If you'd like more info about Bocas and BWS, here's a review about my most recent trip to Bocas:



Grant, thanks for providing the great information. Now I have to to get myself over to Portobelo and check it out for myself. Sometimes I get so caught up in running the shop I forget what it is actually like to go diving. I am going to have to dust the cobwebs off my gear. This will give me a great excuse to get wet!
Now I have to to get myself over to Portobelo and check it out for myself. Sometimes I get so caught up in running the shop I forget what it is actually like to go diving. I am going to have to dust the cobwebs off my gear. This will give me a great excuse to get wet!

Jon, I think that's a great idea! Martha and I are meeting our friends Joaquín and Carmen at Scubapanama Sept. 4 thru 7. Could you and Stacy join us ... or, just you?
Jon, I think that's a great idea! Martha and I are meeting our friends Joaquín and Carmen at Scubapanama Sept. 4 thru 7. Could you and Stacy join us ... or, just you?

I'll talk to Stacy about it tonight. We are always looking for a good excuse to get a break!

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