Blurfix3 SO naked with cheaper aftermarket filters?

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I have found threads of people using macro filters with the new blurfix3 , but couldnt find anything about using non UrPro filters for color. Obviuosly the best choice would be to use the UrPro filters made for the blurfix, but at $77 a piece I was hoping for an alternative until I take the plunge and get a urpro. For example you can get FLD or FLB 55mm filters for $10-$15. I understand there might be some slight vignetting with these other filters, but my main concern is color as long as the vignetting is only slight. MY other option is the polarpro filters which currently are $30 or $70 for all 3 (red,magenta,polarized). I figure for about that same price i could get the Blurfix SO Naked plus some cheap red, magenta and polarized filters. That gives me an option to add macro or nd filters in the future which polarpro does not. So has anyone tried the blurfix with non UrPro filters? Any examples of still or video they could share?
The UR/PRO are the best filters on the market why would you get something different with just a frame to contain it? At that point you can get a backscatter magic or a polar pro that at least are plastic and will not rust after 10 dives like your $10 cheap ones that are not designed for underwater use
Eric, check thread below, I am using a +10 macro filter (Vivitar brand) and an EelVision BG internal red filter (EelVision | GoPro Accessories) at the same time. Very happy with the outcome, now need to improve my steadiness.$9-red-filter-$6-macro-lens-$45-torch.html

Here are two stills from the video above:


Based on the results I've seen, I'd not recommend the Polarpro external filters. Light from the sun above you scatters through them and bounces straight at the camera because it's a thick continuous piece of [cheap] plastic manufactured without a opaque bezel to keep that from happening. Attached are some stills from another user illustrating that effect - I call it "koolaid diving". Of course, you can notice it more over dark areas because it's basically light from the sun being redirected at the sensor - not the light reflected by the subject, which is what you would like to "filter".


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You can make up for the lack of bezel with black gaffer tape around it and that sorts out the backlit scenes and the reflection or duct tape if you don't have gaffer at hand still less expensive than additional $47 for the bezel
The UR/PRO are the best filters on the market why would you get something different with just a frame to contain it? At that point you can get a backscatter magic or a polar pro that at least are plastic and will not rust after 10 dives like your $10 cheap ones that are not designed for underwater use

I already said i realize the UrPro would be the best choice however after spending $400 on the camera plus recently purchasing some new dive gear i dont want to spend another 150+ right at this moment. If I can achieve similiar results for $50 in the mean time I will go that route. I only dive a few times a year so a rusting $10 filter is of little concern to me. My concern was vignetting and color. The backscatter and polar pro dont allow for macro lens.
Aluminum doesn't rust. And it doesn't even corrode if you rinse and dry it properly before storage and keep it away from stainless steel when wet.
not sure where you got the 150
The filter and frame are 77
Shop SRP Filters

Understand money is tight but everything you spend prior keeps you from a great filter

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

yes filter and frame is $77. add another$77 for the magenta filter and you arrive at $154

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