Blue Heron Bridge, Sunday morning, November 16, 2008

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On my way out the door! See ya'll soon!
Red Pontiac Sunfire, big dent in Left front, Me, short, black neoprene, steel 80's, dee rag.
Just got home and we are exhausted...long drive. Pixie and I had a blast and were real happy to finally meet all of you FTF. It was great fun, all except for the frigid temps after the dive. Let's do it again when it warms up.
If anyone got good pics or video, please post them so we can all enjoy and relive the dive. Thank you all for coming ...I hope everyone had as much fun as we did.
Next time we kayak dive in Fort Lauderdale.
Second time really using this camera so excuse the pics. Had a great time, nice meeting everyone today.
















Excellent Pics. I also had a great time there and at lunch as well. Who else has pictures?
Great pics Gooch. I will share with my daughter. She did not believe me when I said there was an Eagle Ray out there today.

Sorry I missed lunch all. Made it to the bar and got a call to pick something up at the surf comp at Carlin.
BTW - The police found a piece of dive equipment in the ladies bathroom. I am not sure it was one of our group, but I thought I would mention it. I think it was a computer.
I had SUCH a great time, great dive, great to see people I already knew and finally meet more who I only knew online, and lunch was great! I so love ScubaBoard buddies!!!!

GOOCH! We were dive buds and I never say that eagle ray! Darn! I was too busy picking up trash, I guess. :shakehead:

So here is my idea, next spring (when it is WARMER) let's plan ScubaBoard Invades The Bridge, plan it for a Sunday when high tide is around 10 a.m.-ish and have a cookout afterward! Who's in? :blinking:
BTW - The police found a piece of dive equipment in the ladies bathroom. I am not sure it was one of our group, but I thought I would mention it. I think it was a computer.

Compass. Wrist mount. It was marked, buit writting was unclear.
I had SUCH a great time, great dive, great to see people I already knew and finally meet more who I only knew online, and lunch was great! I so love ScubaBoard buddies!!!!

GOOCH! We were dive buds and I never say that eagle ray! Darn! I was too busy picking up trash, I guess. :shakehead:

So here is my idea, next spring (when it is WARMER) let's plan ScubaBoard Invades The Bridge, plan it for a Sunday when high tide is around 10 a.m.-ish and have a cookout afterward! Who's in? :blinking:


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