Former Army blackhawk helecopter pilot Laura Jeaanne watches from her wheelchair as Diveheart Adaptive scuba instructor Mark Whiteley demonstrates the proper technique when donning a full face mask on oneself and then on someone else. All Diveheart adaptive instructors and advanced adaptive buddies must be proficient in the use of full face masks. Diveheart adaptive buddies also go through orientation and familiarization with full face masks during the land clinic portion of Diveheart adaptive training this week in Cozumel Mexico. Your support helps get veterans and others with disabilities on life changing Diveheart scuba adventures like this. Thank You! #diveheart #adaptivetraining#scubatraining #divetraining #hotelcozumel #scubatherapy#diveparadise #fullfacemask #oceanreef #fullfacemasktraining