This came across the quest list last night.
Greetings from Wakulla County...
The WKPP accomplished one of its long-term objectives today, when Jarrod Jablonski
and Casey McKinlay connected the Leon Sinks cave system to the Wakulla Springs
Details will be posted in the coming days, but a few highlights of today's dive
- 1,220ft of line layed
- connecting line tied in at 11,200ft
- bt=250min
As I write this (9pm), John Rose and David Rhea are at deco in the basin, following
their setup dive to 10,500. JJ and Casey are at deco in the 40ft trough just inside
the entrance restriction.
Basin viz is only a few inches right now, which is an impediment to shuttling large
amounts of gear past divers decompressing on the line. Now that they're on the log
at 20ft and spread out a bit we're made the most of the space, and have all the
scooters, breathers, and most of the bottles back on the surface.
A few more hours to go...
- Todd