Best place to dive in Mexico to sea BIG sea-life??

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Where would be the best place to dive in Mexico in May to see BIG sea-life? We are not concerned about seeing beautiful coral formations on this trip, so that really doesn't matter, but we would really like to see BIG creatures of any type. Where should we stay in Mexico for this? Thanks.
This is coming secondhand, but I'd say... the sea of Cortez (Baja).
I think the Sea of Cortez is right, but where exactly *in May* is a question. I am not certain about your timing, so I would get in touch with the dive operators in a couple of these places and ask them what is the best time of the year to boost your chances of seeing what you are interested in seeing.

In May and June, we used to see enormous schools of scalloped hammerheads around San Pedro Nolasco island, a common day trip from San Carlos (on the mainland side, next to Guaymas). Their appearance seems to be less predictable / reliable in recent years.

I think the better place to look is on the Baja side of the Sea of Cortez. Check out El Bajo, Gorda Banks, Bahia de Los Angeles, and places in between. The place to stay for some of the trips to those locations is probably Cabo San Lucas.
Baja's great for whale sharks, but May is not the prime season. A company I work for plans their expeditions in late summer, so they'll see the most.
Where would be the best place to dive in Mexico in May to see BIG sea-life? We are not concerned about seeing beautiful coral formations on this trip, so that really doesn't matter, but we would really like to see BIG creatures of any type. Where should we stay in Mexico for this? Thanks.
I'd second the suggestion for the Sea of Cortez, but more specifically suggest Socorros Island in the Revillagegados Archipelago.

Schools of Dusky, White Tip and other Sharks, Humpback Whales(early spring), Hundreds(Thousands?) of Hammerheads, occasional Whale Sharks, Tiger Sharks, 22' Manta Rays, Bottlenose Dolphins, are all frequently encountered there.

It's a liveaboard though, out of Cabo San Lucas. See the Solmar V website for more details:
Haven't made it there yet but check out Isla Holbox.
there is another live-aboard that goes to the revillagigedo archipielago.
this place is also know by some people as the mexican galapagos.
You can go there only by live-aboard. here is the link of one that offers this trip: Nautilus explorer

Other place i would suggest, is La paz, Baja California, last year, the dive master wrote me that in october, they were able to see whale sharks almost every day..

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