Hey guys,
Being a bit on the newbie side with uw photography, plus the fact i cant afford a $6K camera, i found this tutorial to be helpful in bringing back the colors. It worked for me much better than tweaking the levels in the pictures, especially for pictures @20m.
Peachpit: Photoshop Reference Guide > Color Correct Underwater Photos
How To: Editing Underwater photos with Adobe Photoshop - Divester
Give it a try and lets see how you go
Being a bit on the newbie side with uw photography, plus the fact i cant afford a $6K camera, i found this tutorial to be helpful in bringing back the colors. It worked for me much better than tweaking the levels in the pictures, especially for pictures @20m.
Step One:
Open an underwater photo that needs color correcting. When you're ready, press Control + J twice to duplicate the layer so that you see three layers in the Layers palette.
Step Two:
Select the layer directly below the top copy of the photo (it should be called Background Copy). Choose Edit > Fill Layer and select the 50% gray option. Leave the other settings at their defaults and Press OK to fill this layer with gray.
Step Three:
Now select the top layer and change itÃÔ blending mode to Luminosity. Merge that layer down with the middle layer so that only two layers remain. You should see a B/W image of your original image.
Step Four:
Click once on the topmost layer. Then merge that layer down with the gray layer under it by pressing Control + E.
Step Five:
Now, create a new layer on top of all the others. Click on the foreground color swatch and set the color to R: 255 G: 0 B:0. Then, fill this new layer with that color by pressing Alt + Backspace. Finally, set the layer blend mode to Multiply.
Step Six:
Click once on the top red layer and merge it with the photo layer below it by pressing Control + E again. Now, set the blend mode of the top copy of the photo (which should be called Layer 1) to Screen.
Step Seven:
Finally, merge the layer with the original photo layer below it by pressing Control + E. This should leave you with just one layer named Background. The last step is really simple. Just choose Image > Adjustments > Auto Levels to automatically give some more color and contrast to the photo. You can also try Image > Adjustments > Auto Color for some good results.
Peachpit: Photoshop Reference Guide > Color Correct Underwater Photos
How To: Editing Underwater photos with Adobe Photoshop - Divester
Give it a try and lets see how you go
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