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I think you'll enjoy it. I was planning on going but I already have a class scheduled.
My wife and I are also going to the Exp. for the first time. I talked to a few people who have gone in the past and they said if you are looking for big discount deals...don't bother going. Most all the equipment manufactures are there but they don't sell equipment there. They can show you the new equipment and tell you how their stuff is better than the next guys. I guess some of the booths sell small novelty items but that's the extent.

But if you are looking for info. on new gear or different places to travel, everyone and their brothers are there and it is a great place to find that kind of info. We are going for the different travel places and to see what it is like. We are not looking to buy any equipment (except maybe look at dry suits... I have to convince my wife about this idea!). Overall everyone liked the show, but some thought that they would be able to get great deals on gear and found out otherwise. For us it is about a 4 hour drive. But since there are no other dive expos in the area, it's not too long to travel.

Spectre once bubbled...
I booked my hotel, but I've got until that friday to cancel. I'll decide sometime that week.

I'm pretty sure I'm going. I'll be down there tomorrow night. Keep your eyes out for someone with long hair, a red "Marker" hat, sandals, and a Forrest Gump looking knee brace.
I've been looking forward to going all winter. It's been a long cold winter on the East coast and it's just starting to warm up, so this show is like the kick-off to the season.
I know this was mentioned before but I'll say it again, DAN is offering free passes to the show for members. You can print out the coupon from their website.

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