Belize on a budget

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Hi all, im traveling to belize for 5 days in december at the tail end of a semester study abroad program in guatemala. becasue im a student i dont have a lot of money to spend, but i figure that i cant not dive if im going to pass through belize! ive read through the forum and my lonley planet, but was wondering if anyone else could give me their input as to where the best dive sites are, that preferably also have awesome beaches near by and waves for windsurfing. So far Ive been looking at the northern cayes, especially caulker, but if the diving and surf is better in the south i have no problem changing up my plans. i should also mention that im a relatively inexperienced diver... only about 12 dives under my belt and ive never been deeper than 60 feet. any one have any suggestions or favorite dive spots?
A couple things:
First, there are no ridable waves here that I know of. Look closely on a map. We're not exposed to any real open water. I've seen some small waves with shape at Glover's Reef but they were breaking onto bare reef at low tide. The only exception to this might be if there is a big storm aka hurricane, out there and it's still far enough away that we aren't getting the winds, but are getting the swells. I wouldn't want to be out there on my boat in those conditions though.
Second, the best diving is on the outer atholls and they're not cheap.
Placencia might be your best bet. They have some cheaper, back packer rates there. There is some easy dives that are good too. Laughing Bird Caye. Try contact Splash Dive Center. Good people there.
Against that there are some pretty good deals here in San Pedro, so long as your 5 days don't coincide with Christmas. I can point you to some of these - PM me if you're interested.
thanks for the responses... so far ive found reasonably priced hotels on tobacco caye and beach camping on Glover´s atoll. Will it be possible to visit some of the better dive sites from these islands?
Yes, there is very good diving at both those places.
March is the best month for Windsurfing and the winds during that time can whip up some choppy seas which allow small jumps but since its all located inside the reef you not going to get anything too big but the speed is there.

Gaz Cooper
Also check out Reef Conservation International in the Sapodillas Cayes.
Volunteer Diving Expeditions | Caribbean | Marine Conservation Dive Holidays

I just came back from there and had a total blast. If you'd like to be on a 1 acre island that's like a big liveaboard, with great people and an excellent chef, encounter absolutely no other divers than the ones in your small group, see the String of Pearls on a night dive (if you happen to be there right after the full moon. I did and it was SPECTACULAR!), do your bit to help reef conservation, meet with dolphins, eagle rays and nurse sharks, then you will love it, beginner diver or not.

I don't know about surfing though...

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