Belize Live Aboard

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Reaction score
Puerto Rico
# of dives
100 - 199
A group of friends we are planning to take a liveaboard :D in Belize and I wanted to ask the following questions:

1. Recommendation for a LiveAboard, we are thinking the Agressor
2. When is the best time to go diving in Belize?
3. Anything else we should be aware before making the decision of when to go?

Thanks, Jofi
I did the Aggressor last May and would recommend it without question. The PH boat does essentially the same route and there are plenty of positive comments about it as well. Either would be a good choice.

I'd stay away from hurricane season as weather is unpredictable. That's basically June-November, with mid-August throught Oct. being the most likely for a storm. The whale sharks are in the southern waters in the April/May timeframe, but the Aggressor and PH boats don't go there. There are plenty of threads about the dive ops for the whale sharks.

The Belize Aggressor III is a great boat with an outstanding crew. We did a trip on her in November 2007 and we are going back 29 August 2009 (already booked :) ) There are 3 Silver anniversary trips offered in August and September with a $250 saving. Divengolf is correct about hurricane season. You are taking a chance but that is what trip insurance is for right. Last September we did the Cayman Aggressor the same week Hurricane Ike paid a visit. Kind of sucked in that we didn't get to Little Cayman but Captain Jon did all he could to keep us safe and happy. I say go for it.
August is a very good time to go, low season and lots of deals! The storms come later in the year! I have done the BAIII an number of times and think very highly of it, here are photos and a video:Two Tanked Productions HD & SD Underwater Productions and video services

For those of you that have done a Belize liveaboard...did any of you tack on a few extra days for land based stuff? If so, what are your recommendations for places to stay/things to do?
Yes, I have and would tack on a couple of days. I can't remember where I stayed but it was about 50 or more miles inland. We toured a few ruins which were more spectacular than I expected. We visited the small but interesting zoo. Stay at least 3 days and you'll be glad you did.
I believe that their are only two liveaboards now in Belize - Aggressor and PH and my understanding is that Aggressor has purchased PH!

Nekton has pulled out!
Both boats are good. Avoid hurricane season, BUT also avoid March (Belizeans call it kite month because of the consistent winds coming from the east, limiting accesibility of many dive sites). As far as land based stuff, cave tubing with Jaguar Paw is not to be missed, Altun Ha (Mayan ruins) is a decent half-day trip, and the Belize zoo is also nice.
There is actually 3 liveaboards in Belize as Thatch Caye have their own 43' cat. May is a great time to go. If you choose to stay in the south you can dive with the whale sharks, it's a 2 hour boat ride up to the BH and Turneffe, and they organise all their own inland tours. If you do anything land based try the ATM caves as they are very special.

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