Belize/AC Trip Report

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50 - 99
Well we're back... We had a great trip. Flew in Saturday June 27th and hopped a puddle jumper over to AC. The convenience factor was worth the extra money in my opinion. And the views were spectacular! When we landed on AC, we didn't have any hotel arrangements made, so we walked over to Rubys to see if they had any available rooms, turns out they were booked solid, so we took a cab down to the Conch Shell Hotel. It's not mentioned in any of the guidebooks we saw, but an acquaintance at the airport said it was a nice place to stay.

The Conch Shell Hotel was VERY clean, and right on the beach, the downstairs rooms are just rooms, and i think the upstairs rooms have small kitchenettes (we stayed downstairs) with no AC, but the ocean breezes and fans were enough to keep things cool. The beds were the tempurpedic foam mattresses and were super comfortable! It's right across the beach from Amigos Del Mar dive shop (a wonderful operation) and convenient to town and dining. There's a local bar right across the street next to Lilly's we watched the US Brasil soccer game with the locals. It was fun, they sure get excited about soccer! Conch Shell for us $50/night was a deal given the prices of some of the other nearby hotels. The manager Alex lives onsite, so if you have any questions or problems he's right there to help.

We did 2 days of local diving, one afternoon snorkel, and a blue hole day trip. all with amigos, very top notch dive shop, Renee and Tony were great captain and dive master respectively. The big boat out for the blue hole trip is really really nice. Big and comfortable, it held all 25 of us passengers with room to spare. Be sure to sit on the upper deck for the ride out and back, as you get much better views. I think the two dives after the blue hole were better, but having not done the blue hole before, it was neat. I'm not sure i'd go back just to do the blue hole again, but the other dives i'd do again in a heartbeat! Comming back in we came across a superpod of dolphins easily over 150... they were playing in the boat wake and jumping up out of the water doing flips it was really neat.. and the guys at amigos slowed down and let all of us really see the dolphins. We probably drove around in circles for 20 minutes! it was great.

I had purchased an Intova-800 camera for the trip, i just wanted a cheap underwater camera to take a few pictures. It worked great, and the video feature was neat when we were doing swimthroughs in the reef. The only thing i would mention about the camera would be to get a dessecant packet to put in the case while diving. Since we were staying in a hotel with no AC, the humidity would cause the case to get foggy when the batteries heated up when taking lots of photos in a short amount of time. I think the dessecant would help with that little bit of humidity and fogging problems. As it was i put some antifog drops on the waterproof case and rinsed (like you do for your mask) and that helped. The red filter worked for depths greater than say 45-50 feet, but there was a little bit of a middle ground where the red filter was too much, but taking it off produced overly blue photos, i'm sure with time i'll figure out how to work things better. But I got some decent photos with my little inexpensive camera.

I got a few neat backlit pictures of the stalagtites in the blue hole. but i have to say i now have much respect for underwater photographers. I got alot of "fishtail" pictures too :wink: looking into taking an underwater photograpy class now... one thing leads to another. :)

We then moved inland for a few days. Did a day trip to Tikal to see the myan ruins and then did the ATM cave. Both were neat, but i think the diving was better.

Be sure to get the papusas on middle street at waragumas! Mickeys, Pirates Pizza, and Lilly's were good places to eat too. . All in all a great trip.
Dear Sauro,
I have a post on the board about dm at belize/ac. It seemed you liked Amigos Del Mar. Could you tell us more about the dive op. How was the boat ? It had 25 on it, how many dm / diver? Safe?
Was it mellow or follow the leader? Sorry I sound like a pia we have been on a few cattle boats thanx in advance - matt
Amigos del Mar was a great operation. Laid back in the shop but professional.

For our "local" dives we used a 20ft (ish) boat with between 6 and 8 divers. They (Amigos del Mar) require you to follow a dive master. Mainly because the local dives are drift dives so they want everyone to stay together as a group so the boat has an easier time finding us. That being said, we never had to wait for the boat to come find us. As soon as we were at our safety stop the boat would pull up and we would hop right in. I wouldn't say it felt like follow the leader. There were canyons that we swam through so even a buddy group would have been one behind the other. Renee (captian) and Tony (dive master) were very good. We have our own personal dive computers and following tony's profile, we were never close to any deco requirements so i would say they are very safe. The average dive time for the local dives was approx 50 min at max depth around 70-80ft. Tony would check everyone's air and make sure we were OK periodically. My husband being an air HOG, was the first to hit 600 on our first dive, so back at the shop, they upgraded him to a larger tank at no extra charge.

For the local dives your 1 hour surface interval is spent back at the shop (the dive sites are a max of 10 minutes away) so they just come back for the surface interval. They have fresh cut watermelon and other fruits to snack on while you wait. I thought this was nice cause i could change my camera batteries without having to worry about things getting wet. Speakings of pictures; if you are interested in taking pictures, be prepared to get 1 or 2 shots then having to swim on, i was the only person in our group that had a camera and i wouldn't have expected them to wait while i spent 15 minutes getting that "perfect" shot. I'm not saying it's a bad way to dive, just don't expect to be stationary for very long.

We also did the blue hole day trip. That trip meets at 5:30AM and leaves at 6AM, plan on returning between 5 and 5:30PM that afternoon. That boat was the BIG boat (prolly 50ft- i'm not a good judge) holding 25 persons plus all the dive shop staff(6). There were about 6 people that didn't dive, they just went to snorkel, so the staff split us into 2 groups for our diving (approx 9diver/ 2dm). That being said, the way they get everyone off the boat, we never saw the other group while diving, so we didn't feel like a herd of cattle. The max depth is around 130 and there are 2 dive masters per group, they also had extra air tanks at the safety stop. I would say this falls in line with other +100ft dives that i've been on. That trip includes lunch and drinks and 3 dives (blue hole +2 wall dives at the atoll). The price is a bit $250US pp, but totally worth it, the bluehole was neat, but i think we enjoyed the other 2 dives more, just more marine life to see.

We also did an afternoon snorkel trip to the hol chan cut. I think we saw more stuff there than on any of the other local dives. Amigos said it was not deep enough to warrant diving, but i think we could have seen more if we had been diving, all the same it was enjoyable and we'd recommend doing that too.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


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