belated hello

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Reaction score
Park Ridge NJ
# of dives
500 - 999
Hello (at last),
Although I'm a "Vintage" diver, I'm a super newbie to the internet -on line only since April.
Thankfully, I found this board soon thereafter,registered, and have occasionally posted . At first,I was too new to know about the "Intro and Greets" custom. Later I felt it was "too late" to politely say "Hi".
But as this awfuk (oops, a typo, but maybe not, given the circumstances) week unfolded-and the board continued to not just inform and give a few laughs, but to contain so many great messages of comfort and concern,I thought "ettiquette be damned- introduce yourself".
So to all, from northern New Jersey , a belated "HI".

Very important p.s. : Thanks to all for the kind, supportive words during the last few days- I fear the worst is yet to come .
Finally, to all who have suffered personal losses this week- my deepest sympathy and prayers.

H O W D Y ! ! to you Mike from Texas. We're gladto have you with us and look forward to your participation.
Miked.....welcome from north of the 49th. Yeah is has been a heck of a week.If your every venture north of the border there are lots of us to get wet with.

Stay cool, and stay out of the Hudson. LOL

Butch :peace:
Howdy from Texas and glad yer in here getting yer feet wet. Wow an internet virgin even. Won't be to long and we'll take care of that!

Anyway welcome to here....

Hello from sunny Southern California.

I'm a newbie to this board too. It's great, isn't it?

Hey Miked - a formal welcome from Bangkok.

I've seen you around the boards - *we're watching you...* (just kidding). It's great that you've finally 'come out' of the lurking closet and introduced yourself. :p

We hope to see a lot more of you round here, particularly as you're a self-stated 'vintage' diver - you must have a lot of stories and input for the rest of us on the boards.

Sea you around!
Hey Miked - Glad you here.

I'm up in the GWN with Butch and what he says is the truth.

Of course, being from NJ you'll have to bring me some Springsteen bootlegs <Grin>

'cause tramps like us, baby we were born to dive'

Welcome to scubaboard!

Never not say something cause it doesnt seem polite...if you look at the gang we have in'll notice they dont!!!!!! (myself included of course!) :wink:

Anyway, look forward to seeing even more of your posts around the board - till then take care! x
Welcome to the board from Arizona all beach no ocean..

ps do they use sun tan lotion in NJ?

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