Good evening!
I am utterly new to the sport (one escorted dive to date), and while I have been reading/watching a great deal, have some questions that are not simple to find general-purpose answers to.
My specific details, to be considered for my questions:
-Minimal dive experience, moderate snorkeling (little fin experience)
-6'5" (198 cm)
-250 lbs (113 kg)
-Strong legs, good (not spectacular) endurance
-Moving to Hawaii for several years in the near future
-Expect to mostly do open water, some spearfishing (assuming it is allowed with SCUBA gear, haven't found anything contrary yet)
-30 y/o, no significant health issues, ears can be a little difficult to equalize at times
I enjoyed my first dive experience a great deal, so I expect to be in the sport for a long time to come. As such, please make recommendations based on the idea that I will be using the equipment on an extended duration and not "good for beginners but quickly replaced" without a specific reason. On to the questions!
Shoes vs Boots vs ???. I am a big guy, and honestly most anything I wear tends to wear out QUICKLY. As such, I expect that I will want to go with a heavier duty shoe/boot, with a sturdy sole. Is there any reason to not just go with the thickest/sturdiest boot/shoe I can find? What are the best things to look for in footwear?
My understanding is that for Hawaii, I will want a thinner wetsuit for warmer waters. Since it will be (less) buoyant, I will want (EDIT) neutral/lighter fins. With the understanding that I will need to try on several pairs to find a "preference," any good recommendations on where to start, and the reason for why I should start there? Is there a preferred length/shape/rigidity/material? The only preference I will have here is the fins be open heel, as I intend to wear footwear
For masks, I would prefer to do whatever is possible to minimize water intrusion. I don't have any awareness of personal issues with ear infections and such, but given the occasional difficulty in equalizing and a familial pattern of issues with water drainage from ears, I think it would be best if it could be minimized. I found ProEar Mask and the reviews seem pretty positive, but am hoping someone might have personal experience with them. I have a somewhat larger head than average, but rarely have issues with getting a good seal on masks, and my hair is kept short.
Thank you in advance for the assistance!
I am utterly new to the sport (one escorted dive to date), and while I have been reading/watching a great deal, have some questions that are not simple to find general-purpose answers to.
My specific details, to be considered for my questions:
-Minimal dive experience, moderate snorkeling (little fin experience)
-6'5" (198 cm)
-250 lbs (113 kg)
-Strong legs, good (not spectacular) endurance
-Moving to Hawaii for several years in the near future
-Expect to mostly do open water, some spearfishing (assuming it is allowed with SCUBA gear, haven't found anything contrary yet)
-30 y/o, no significant health issues, ears can be a little difficult to equalize at times
I enjoyed my first dive experience a great deal, so I expect to be in the sport for a long time to come. As such, please make recommendations based on the idea that I will be using the equipment on an extended duration and not "good for beginners but quickly replaced" without a specific reason. On to the questions!
Shoes vs Boots vs ???. I am a big guy, and honestly most anything I wear tends to wear out QUICKLY. As such, I expect that I will want to go with a heavier duty shoe/boot, with a sturdy sole. Is there any reason to not just go with the thickest/sturdiest boot/shoe I can find? What are the best things to look for in footwear?
My understanding is that for Hawaii, I will want a thinner wetsuit for warmer waters. Since it will be (less) buoyant, I will want (EDIT) neutral/lighter fins. With the understanding that I will need to try on several pairs to find a "preference," any good recommendations on where to start, and the reason for why I should start there? Is there a preferred length/shape/rigidity/material? The only preference I will have here is the fins be open heel, as I intend to wear footwear
For masks, I would prefer to do whatever is possible to minimize water intrusion. I don't have any awareness of personal issues with ear infections and such, but given the occasional difficulty in equalizing and a familial pattern of issues with water drainage from ears, I think it would be best if it could be minimized. I found ProEar Mask and the reviews seem pretty positive, but am hoping someone might have personal experience with them. I have a somewhat larger head than average, but rarely have issues with getting a good seal on masks, and my hair is kept short.
Thank you in advance for the assistance!