BC suggestions

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My wife has been diving for over twenty years. She has used various BC's over that time. Recently she has had lower back problems in her lumbar spine area due arthritis and is in the market for a new BC which will not weight down her lower back so much. We are looking for any suggestions. Currently she is using a woman's zeagle which is not comfortable.

Side note. We live in Mexico so we cannot go to dive shops and "try out" a BC in the pool are open water before buying it.

I also posted then in the bc section but I was not sure how many views it would get.
I use an Oceanic Hera. A VERY well padded BC, Very comfy in my opinion. The biggest downside to it is that it is in itself, a rather heavy & bulky BC. I agree with Louie about the harness to help distribute weight off of the lower back & onto the shoulders.

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