Bay islands or corn islands early december?

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Hi there,

I travel to Nicaragua next week for a month and want to go diving for a week, from 5 to 12 december.

I have been doing some research on this forum and found some bad news about weather in Roatan at this time of the year... I assume it will be pretty similar in Utila and probably in little Corn islands also... Any chance to see some whale sharks at this time of the year?

I don't really care about rain unless this means bad viz or less dive sites, or even worse, no dives at all..

My priority is the quality of diving: what about Little Corn Islands in comparison with Utila or Roatan at this time of the year?

Should I wait a few days before and check the forecast to make my decision?

Any other recommendations for fantastic dive sites in the area?

Hope somebody will be able to answer...

Many thanks in advance.
Any other recommendations for fantastic dive sites in the area?

Try San Andres and Old Providence Islands
Probable wont see whale sharks but great walls and reef formations.
hi astilla i am heading to big corn tommorrow. i have a very flexible schedule and will likely still be there when you arrive. ill post back and let you know how the weather is close r to your dates

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