Battery kit and/or o-rings for Aeris A300??? (and related begging for more info)

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I like my 2 year old A300 very much. but the lack of information and support from Aeris is really frustrating. For example, there is no information anywhere concerning the proper O-ring for the battery compartment. A user-replaceable battery was a big selling feature for me but its just a mirage if the manufacturer won't provide the necessary parts (ie the O-ring), or provide the specifications for the O-ring itself so I can go pick them up myself.

The same is true for a replacement clear plastic faceplate: not listed anywhere on the website for the A300, and absolutely no way of being able to guess what other model's accessories might be compatible.

Info for what USB cable and software is similarly vague - never clearly stating what is meant for the A300.

Questions to their tech support go ignored alot of the time. PLEASE Aeris: PLEASE provide an accurate, up-to-date, definitive list of all Aeris A300 compatible accessories, service and maintenance products.
My LDS will put the batteries in for me at no cost (Aeris Atmos) other than just the battery cost. But they also service my other equipment. One time I replaced the battery myself I flooded the computer with salt water but dive computer was saved.
Here is some info that might answer some of your Aeris A300 computer questions (assuming its an A300 and not the XT, AI, or CS model):

Lens protector is Aeris p/n 10-0099
Battery kit is Aeris p/n 10-0039 (Oceanic equivalent p/n is 04.6175.40)
USB cable is Aeris p/n 10-0104 (Oceanic equivalent p/n is 04.9606)

If you need them, we currently have the 2 Oceanic equivalent items in stock and can be ordered from our website. Here are the direct links:

Oceanic - Scuba Dive Computer Battery Kits |
Oceanic - USB Interface Dive Computer Cable |

Hope that helps....
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Thanks very much Sieg - exactly the info I was looking for (and especially appreciated since I have still heard nothing from Aeris, gripe gripe...).
I too am looking for the spec on the A300 O-ring. The manual says the O-ring must be a "Genuine AERIS" O-ring, any other O-ring will void the warranty... are we really suppose to believe it's some special proprietary o-ring that only AERIS sells? What ticks me off the most is paying $20 for a $4 battery and a 50¢ o-ring with a little bit of silicone grease... I can't help feeling a little ripped off!
I ... The manual says the O-ring must be a "Genuine AERIS" O-ring, any other O-ring will void the warranty... are we really suppose to believe it's some special proprietary o-ring that only AERIS sells? ...

Purge: I know what you mean. I decided in the end to do it myself. Opened the DC as per instructions, removed the O-ring, measured it with digital calipers, went to the fluidseal website ( and found what I thought was the right O-ring (don't have much experience with that sort of thing so I wasn't that confident). Luckily I work close to the their local outlet so I went in person where they were incredibly helpful: they measured the O-ring themselves and recommended the replacement. I "bought" 4 (would have been about $3 but the guy told me to just take 'em and go - he didn't want to do the paperwork. I'd definitely recommend them if you're close enough to their Mississauga outlet.) Unfortunately I can't find the specs right now (may be lost somewhere on my desk at work) if you need to order them online by spec.

I bought a replacement battery at the local drug store ($5), and put things back together. It's really not rocket science. Since then I've done 3 dives with the A300, deepest so far 24 metres, and all is good. The irony is that I would probably have spent the $$$$ on the Aeris kit if they gave me any clue as to how to buy it - and almost a month later I still haven't had even an acknowledgement email from them (or Oceanic) never mind a reply, to my original support query to them...

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