Batteries? We don't need no stinkin' batteries!

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Well....actually I do and really bad. This weekend, I bought a brand new Olympus C4000. I haven't bought a housing yet. That's going to come in the next couple months. Anyway, I was out hiking on sunday and managed to use 2 sets of batteries in a couple hours. I did manage to take 114 pictures but still... Two sets of batteries? What are your suggestions? Do rechargeables last long enough? My experience with rechargeables is that they don't really have the same punch as disposable ones.
If you're using alkaline rechargeable batteries, dont! I made that mistake with my first camera only after doing research on my new camera did I find out that those are not the best and may be the worst batteries you can use with a digital camera. You need to get NiMH rechargeable batteries. And they say they last longer after they are charged a couple times. though mine havn't run out yet, but I don't take a lot of pics at one time normally so I can't verify that.

There's also an mAH number that is associated with the battery that ranges from 1600-2000. The higher the number the better. I got the 1700 mAH but didn't know about the different ranges at the time. I would probably get the 2000. I think the higher the number the longer they last.

If those still don't last long enough for you, you can get the CRV3 lithium batteries which last longer, but are much more expensive and they aren't rechargeable.
I seems to have similar problems with my Olympus C4040.
I now use 2000 mAH batteries and basically I change batteries just about after every dives since I would take at least 20-30 pictures in SHQ mode so I would need to change my smart media card anyhow. I noticed a few times when I did not change the batteries, sometimes by the end of second dive, the batteries would be just about empty. That would be about 40+ shots, all with flashes and the camera would be one for about 90 minutes with the LCDs off when I was not taking pictures.
On one trip, I must have a bad batch of Duracell batteries because I ran out of batteries only after about 10-15 pics.

Does using the viewfinder instead of the lcd make a big difference?
not using the LCD makes a big diff with my old cam i could only take a few pics using the LCD so I never used it at all cuz it wasn't worth it to me. but with my 4040 I use it more often now that I have the right kind of batteries. The LCD I think uses up the batteries more than anything else. Flash probably 2nd.
Yes, of course. The screen actually uses the majority of the power.

About batteries. NiMh (Nickel Metal Hydryde) are the best batteries out there. They can very in many different ways.

Here is a great site for NiMh batteries
NiMh batteries

The most important part of any rechargable battery is the charger.
You'd be amazed the difference between the same battery pack charged with a $30 vs that same pack charged with a $300 charger. (you see this much more in something like RC cars or Planes)

Another thing that will make a noticable difference is what they call "matched" cells, where all the batteries have the same characteristics as far as Internal Resistance / Milliamp Hours/ and Voltage.

Good Luck :D
I had the same trouble when I first got mine too. I went to Bestbuy and bought the energizer 1850 mah rechargable batteries and charger. I can get two dives with the view finder on the whole time. I am extremely happy with them even though I know that they aren't the best but they sure do a good job.

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