Baltimore Aquarium – Hi, Kanonfodr!

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Deplorable American
ScubaBoard Supporter
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200 - 499
Another splendid day with a ScubaBoarder!!! Kanonfodr PMs me to say, “I haven’t forgotten you were here – do you want to go to the National Aquarium in Baltimore?” I was on that like a hobo on a Hot Pocket! “Excellent, and my treat!” I have been so Blessed through the years to meet people that would take me places I’d not otherwise go, this seemed a fabulous opportunity to take a fellow soldier out and about. Grudgingly, but gracefully, he acceded. I was thrilled! We were to meet at 12:30.

We were to meet at 12:30; I got there first. The wind was whipping off the harbor waters. . . . Brrrrrr! I was so glad to be wearing my boat coat. Kanonfodr was everything I expected – since I’d seen his picture - with a big engaging grin and a full-of-life personality. We hit the aquarium and instantly bonded as we recognized the fish with which we had both dove. Kanonfoder caught some pretty splendid pics in spite of the bad lighting that reflected strange lights on the water surface.

Lucky Kanonfodr had lived in Hawaii, and it pretty darned quickly became obvious that the few times I’d been there; I had missed the cool stuff. He was so entertaining with his many stories of his times in the islands. Kanonfodr has dived with so many people – he’s a walking SB meet-up! I feel fortunate to be included in his crowd.

One of the events at the Aquarium was a “4D show” – we had our choice, Happy Feet or Our Oceans. (Sorry, Mike_S, the Oceans won!) My watch had stopped, so we were a bit late for the movie, and I didn’t get to ask what “4D” was. We found out soon enough! The video was in 3D, as you can imagine. However, every time something splashed, we got lightly spritzed with water from the back of the seat in front of us. When the whale came up and exhaled, we got spritzed. (Eeewwww, whale snot! Then, when things were slithering around, something bounced gently against our legs. Lastly, when we were watching the sea snakes, something poked us gently on our right side in our back. Half the audience screamed – seriously! The film was good, the 4th D affects were mildly entertaining, and we enjoyed it. :thumb:

After the Aquarium, we were going to walk to the three-mast schooner a hundred yards down the street. At the end of one dock, we were saddened to see the results of NetDoc’s boat launch. (shocked)

:joke: NetDoc's the only person I know that has a boat to launch. :wink:

Our walk ended abruptly when we turned a corner and were hit by the full brunt of the icy wind – it took my breath away! I was quick to throw up a thumb, and Kanonfodr accommodatingly joined me in a U-turn. :cold:

We walked back past the National Aquarium and towards the Hard Rock café and someplace called Dick’s Last Resort. Neither of us had been there before, but as Kanonfodr was taking a picture of the outside bar, I read the menu sign.

I said, “Well, you could have a Big Woody!” OMG, poor Kanonfodr, he damn near swallowed his camera!!! Somehow, we decided to go in this place . . . Whoops! :facepalm:

For those of you unaware, Dick’s Last Resort is based on the servers and staff . . . well, being a dick! The staff asks if you have been there before, warn you unabashedly that they exist to degrade and insult you, and let you know that if you have ego problems you might not wish to come in. Laughing our butts off, agreed to the rules. They actually do an excellent job of reading their customers, their body language, and adjust the level accordingly. As we walked in, we stepped past customers forming their own ‘hats’. I wondered what that meant . . . Oh, my, we’d find out!! :lol:

Right off the bat, we were slammed on age – are you his mother? Isn’t she too old for you? I was chuckling – expected that! And Kanonfodr said something so sweet, like women get sweeter as the age (couldn’t hear it all due to laughter behind me) . . . wasn’t he wonderful!?!?!?!!!! (((hugs))) I mentioned something about being dive buddies, and showed off my NACD Wes Skiles T-shirt. Server says, “I’d invite you to contribute [your bra] to the collection [signed bras hanging over the bar], but we have enough training bras already.” I think I snorted on that one!! Before the server could get away, I figured I’d beard the lion in his den, and asked, “What is the Big Woody?” “Something you obviously don’t get enough of . . . ” as he strode off after our drinks.

Kanonfoder, brave soul, said he would ask the next question. By now, K had caught his stride and was giving as good as got in the insult slinging. So, he asks, “What is IN the Big Woody?” “You’ve obviously never had one . . .” . . . Then the server rapid-fires what is in the menu items . . . I suspect so that users will have to ask “say again?” and he can call them stupid. Then, we found out about the paper hats.

The server comes back, and he’s made a hat for me that says, “The Boobs Fairy skipped my house! :spit:

Then Kanonfodr got his . . . OMG, harsh! Since K had shown he could take it as well as give it, it was a kind of compliment . . . I think . . .


We had a tremendous time with all the silly insults and – in spite of the "pretend ignore" you stuff, the service was really good. Kanonfodr left him a 20% tip, and as we were leaving, the server says, “Hey, thanks guys!”

*snicker* . . . and K nailed him with one last repartee . . . “Thanks from YOU?!?!?!?” :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:

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