Backscatter Green Water Package

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Reaction score
Cold green water in Washington
# of dives
200 - 499
I contacted Backscatter and asked them if they would consider putting a green water package together for green water divers. They said they would consider it if they had enough interest. I put my hand up right away. Not all divers are fortunate to routinely dive in blue water. I don't know what kind of lenses they'd put in the package, that's dependant on what the feedback provides. I've got my green water package set up, but I won't be diving it for at least three weeks when I take it to Puget Sound. Strictly speaking budget-wise, I bought the Macromate mini package and a green water filter. (I dive blue water about every other year) I'll be focusing on macro in Puget Sound unless we have some decent viz but that's a gamble. If you're interested in a green water package you'll need to contact them, as this thread isn't for their tracking....maybe JennPenn is reading though!
The reason why not many produce green water filters for the go pro is that this requires usually custom white balance
A green water magenta filter does not work well with auto white balance as it is a pass through filter it does not just warm the colours so the camera gets fooled quite easily and produces weird results
I would be curious to see what results you get.
Also green water filter is not for water that looks green is for water with algae in most cases a blue water filter still works provided it has sufficient magenta tint into it (needs to look red not orange)
I dive in the Gulf of Mexico. I went to my LDS for filters for my gopro for an upcoming trip in May. Lots of fors I that sentence. The owner told me I needed the green water filter there (Panama City ) in the early part of the summer because it's not really blue water even though it's clear salt water. Later in the summer the blue water moves in because of the south winds all summer and then I should use the regular filters. I always thought I would never use the green water filter. Now I find myself using it on my first video.
Interceptor121, I bought a cheap magenta filter to use in our local pea-green-algea lakes and I was very impressed with the color correction considering I'm not a pro, just a regular Jane Doe diver with a interest in video for myself. It's fun, but it can be very technical. That's not the path I've chosen for myself. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted what I did, I'm regretting it. My regrets to everyone for my post.
If it works then it's worth I guess

It did on one dive, enough to give me hope!

---------- Post added April 13th, 2014 at 04:48 PM ----------

Deb, what kind of package are you suggesting…multiple filters dependent on depth, a la the blue water 3.1 package?

That would be up to the algea-filled green water dive community's desires and feedback based on what they would like for their specific needs. Hopefully the product developer would come up with a package and price break based on that feedback. I didn't intend to open up a free flowing regulator here, shame on me, forgiveness is asked.

---------- Post added April 13th, 2014 at 05:21 PM ----------

I would be curious to see what results you get.
Also green water filter is not for water that looks green is for water with algae in most cases a blue water filter still works provided it has sufficient magenta tint into it (needs to look red not orange)

i agree with you totally. I get a bit frustrated when I see red filters used inappropriately resulting in over saturation of reds. Unfortunately I don't have access to a dive buddy/mentor for this advice. Thankyou for your input and your videos. I can only hope to do well. For the most part, I'm stuck in green water...alas, I have a blue water taste on a green water budget!

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