Backplate and weighting poll

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Too far inland, TN
I've been diving an Al Halcyon plate/wing for about a year and have about 40 dives on it thus far. The streamlined profile and simplicity have placed it high in my book of good buys. I've been following the advice of a tech diver pal and have been wearing a weight belt the over the harness. I mainly dive an Al80 to recreational depths at caribbean temps. The weight belt has become a problem since I've added an OMS pocket and EMT shears scabbard to the waist belt of my rig. It is possible to get the belt, harness, and accessories to jive, but it is certainly not easy on a pitching and rolling boat! It has become enough of a hassle that I am looking for an alternative configuration. The Halcyon ACB+ looks like a viable option, but the price is ludicrous. What are folks here doing as far as weighting in this configuration?
I used a Halcyon BP/Wing last fall and needed 35 lbs of weight with a 7 mil 2 piece. We added 2 ditchable weight pouches that attach to the cam straps for the tank each held 15 lbs hard weights. the relece handels were right below the wing and very eash to reach wile being out of the way. I belece they cost me $12 each at a LDS near the dive.
Hi LongFin,

I hate weighbelts with such a vengeance that the $112 for the ACB+ seemed like a good deal, merely for the convenience factor. I agree that the price is ludicrous for what you get though.

Any reason you're using an Al backplate with an Al tank? I think that a SS backplate would help take some weight off your belt, but I can understand if you're a travelling diver not wanting to lug the extra weight around in your baggage.


bengiddins - You hit the nail on the head. One of the primary reasons that I went with the plate/wing setup was the compact size and light weight. Even if I had the SS plate, I'd still have a belt to bother with, albeit with less weight. I usually use 12 - 14 lbs with a 3mm shorty.

What do you think of your ACB+? Is it obtrusive at all? Worth the $$? Can you fit the longer curved weights that some charters have in them or just the blocks?

Are there any other manufacturers of similar weighting systems for plate harnesses?


I'm using 5 pound soft weights - the pockets certainly look long enough to accept a 10 pound hard weight - I think from an earlier thread Uncle Pug said that's what he used to use in them. It's definitely not obtrusive, you don't even notice them during the dive, unlike a weight belt that can slip, move around, loosen, etc. And on shore they're very comfortable and don't dig in to your hips.

For convenience I think it's worth the $$$, but be prepared to feel ripped off the first time you get to hold your new empty pockets :) I'm sure they could be produced and sold for a lot cheaper. Having said that, they integrate with the backplate and webbing nicely, with a bolt on a webbing tab attaching them to the backplate, and the waist webbing on the harness passing through them, so they fit very nicely with the harness overall. It's one of those things where you just grin, swallow and open your wallet...

Not sure of any other manufacturers with similar products but they probably exist.

This is not a piece of gear that you would want to shortcut quality for price. By all accounts I have heard, the Halcyon weight integration is top quality. The consequences of having a sudden loss of negative weight can be very serious. I would spend the bucks for quality concerning this particular piece of gear.

Good luck.

Things change....
Be prepare to buy high and sell low at times...
I purchased the ACBs for $165 and sold them for $95...
I went back to a weight belt for single tank diving....

I can dive my drysuit with a HP102 Steel tank, 6# SS backplate and a 12# soft weightbelt... but I get cold.

So I am going to get a 16# weight belt so that I can keep a little more gas in the suit... just a smidgen...

Part of the probem you are having with the weight belt is that you are putting it on over the harness...

I wear mine under the harness....
Originally posted by LongFin
Why did you get rid of the ACBs? In your experience, would I be trading one torment for another if I went from a web belt to ACBs?
MY main dive partner sold his as well while another one of our dive buddies still has his.

I didn't really like haveing all of the weight on the rig... that means that the wing needs to be big enough to float it all with a full tank and that means more drag.

It also means that if you use a cannister light the light sits out much farther from your torso... which means more drag.

It also means that if you leave the weight in the rig it is heavier to move around out of the water.

As I said before... the problem with your weight belt is wearing it on the outside of the harness.

Some folks find that the harness (particularly the crotch strap) will actually *shoe-horn* the weight belt over your butt an off of you. This is not good... very difficult to look cool and in control with you weight belt around your ankles.

With a balanced rig you should be able to take your rig off and have it float in the water next to you without it sinking and you rocketing to the surface. You should also be weighted so that you could swim the rig up from the bottom in case of floatation failure.

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