I have a DUI CF200 which so far has been a great first drysuit. Though my only problem with it is the attached turboboots. They are a size too small. My feet fit in them ok its just that there isn't any room for socks or other undergarments and they tend to hurt after being in them all day. I talked to DUI and they stated they could do it with a $77 Test & Evaluation fee on top of the $275 to change out the boots. My LDS doesn't sell, service or repair DUI so they told me they couldn't help. And the only other dive shop around me told me that either I could bring it to them and they could send it in for me or I could send it to DUI myself. So my question is this, Is DUI my only option for this or is there another road I can go down. And is it even worth it to consider another option as I wouldn't want to compromise the integrity of the suit.