Atmos ai not communicating

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Hi Guys & Gals,

I purchased a new Elite T3 and Atmos ai and intend on getting them wet this weekend for the first time. Unfortunately, I can't get the Atmos ai to communicate to my desktop or laptop computers. My Elite T3 does fine with both computers (at least showing the settings since I have no dive data yet). I get the "Handshaking started" message then the "Time Out" message, leaving the Atmos still counting down.

I am using the version 2.2.0 software, built 5/7/08 that I downloaded instead of the older version on the disk. Any thoughts of what I should try to get this link working with the Atmos? Since it works with the Elite, I assume the issue must be with the Atmos or the way the cord plugs in.

Thanks for any help,
Hi Guys & Gals,

I purchased a new Elite T3 and ATMOS AI and intend on getting them wet this weekend for the first time. Unfortunately, I can't get the ATMOS AI to communicate to my desktop or laptop computers. My Elite T3 does fine with both computers (at least showing the settings since I have no dive data yet). I get the "Handshaking started" message then the "Time Out" message, leaving the ATMOS still counting down.

I am using the version 2.2.0 software, built 5/7/08 that I downloaded instead of the older version on the disk. Any thoughts of what I should try to get this link working with the ATMOS? Since it works with the Elite, I assume the issue must be with the ATMOS or the way the cord plugs in.

Thanks for any help,

I own the same two computers that you own.

The USB connection on the ATMOS AI computer can be touchy if you don't seat the USB connector properly into the female connection on the dive computer.

If you are trying to use the USB cable that came with the T3 on your ATMOS AI I don't believe it will work. The cable used for the T3 is version 2 of the USB interface and contains different firmware.

You can verify this with Aeris technical support but I think they will agree with my assessment. The USB interface for the T3 automatically advances the computer to the PC interface portion of Set 1 grouping where it is ready to start the handshake process.

The ATMOS AI needs to be manually advanced to the fourth position within Set 1 before the handshake can begin.

I have no trouble downloading from either computer. I am using the cable I originally bought to use with the ATMOS AI to download from the ATMOS AI.

I am using the USB cable that came with the T3 to download from the T3. The cables look vastly different is you see the two next to each other.

Let me know how you make out.
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Thank you for the quick reply. I had no idea they would require different cables. I guess I will have to order the special cable for the Atmos AI which I assumed I didn't need. This seems like an odd arrangement since the female ports look so similar and they both came with the same software disk. The fit of the plug seems poor in the Atmos AI so that would be consistant with your solution.

Thanks for the help. I will let you know how it works out when I can get the other cable,


Thank you for the quick reply. I had no idea they would require different cables. I guess I will have to order the special cable for the ATMOS AI which I assumed I didn't need. This seems like an odd arrangement since the female ports look so similar and they both came with the same software disk. The fit of the plug seems poor in the ATMOS AI so that would be consistent with your solution.

Thanks for the help. I will let you know how it works out when I can get the other cable,


I agree the connectors on both ends of the cable are identical. The fat bulge in the cable actually contains a chip which makes the difference. It is a small block (bulge) on the T3 cable and a larger almost square block on the ATMOS AI cable.

Considering the cost of the USB interface cable I don't blame you for trying to make the one that was included with the T3 work.

The fit of the plug seems poor in the ATMOS AI so that would be consistent with your solution.

This will still be true with the proper cable. The connection design is 100% better with the T3. Having said that, once you get used to it it is no longer a problem.

I guess that is part of human adaptability:).

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