In my attempt to use Unclepug's style of mounting an argon bottle to my backplate, I came across another idea. He used a piece of 2" webbing, bolted to the holes in the side of the backplate, for most of the support of the tank and a bungie at the bottom so it does not slide up or down. This is a superb idea but there was only one problem: I have a 13 cf tank. It is just too big and bulky to be held pretty rigidly with a piece of webbing. The issues I saw lied in inflating the wing. My wing seemed sandwiched between my doubles and the argon bottle. And when I would take a test run in the setup, the argon bottle would really push hard against me if I had to inflate the wing. So I thought, "Why not use just bungies to hold the tank in place like the piece of webbing is doing." That way, when I inflate the bladder, the bungies will allow the tank to stretch away from me allowing the bladder to fully inflate. Any thoughts? Thanks. And by the way, thanks Ron for the tips and ideas.