Argentina Diving

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Washington, D.C.
Anybody have experience diving in Argentina's 7-lakes area in the Andes (near Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, San Martin)? Will be down there over New Years. Would love to hear about experiences from the area, particularly good and bad places to go, good dive operators, etc.


Anybody have experience diving in Argentina's 7-lakes area in the Andes
(near Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, San Martin)? Thanks, Hal
Hal, Dr. Alberto Teme, one of our Accomplices, is a Hyperbaric Physician in
Corbova. He is Trimix qualified and dives the lakes and the underwater city
in the was inundated by the dam construction....Boy, does
he have stories for you !!

PM me and I will send you his e-mail address.

Another biggie in Pampas country is the u/w whale-watching in Puerto Madryn,
but they should all be gone by the time you get there. Check with Patagonia Sub
when you get there. They are in Buenos Aires.

I had an account of my trip there in our home page, but it has been removed since.
Go give us a visit.

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