Are there best months

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Want to go to coz this summer , what are the months for less rain , bad water conditions, i mean as far as high seas. I only have 30 dives don't want to be in 4 foot chop.
Want to go to coz this summer , what are the months for less rain , bad water conditions, i mean as far as high seas. I only have 30 dives don't want to be in 4 foot chop.

There's really no bad time of year to go to Cozumel. They say the rainy season is May or June through September or October (roughly coinciding with hurricane season), but I've been there during that time, and what rain there was was generally very localized. The dive sites are nearly all protected by the island from the open Caribbean, and unless you get a strong north wind (somewhat more likely in the winter, but still not that common), diving from small boats is no prob.

Don't worry, be happy.
Ditto ggunn.

During rainy seasons in the spring & fall rains tend to be localized, passing & occur most often in the evening. Even when it rains during the day, diving is only very rarely curtailed.

Rough surface conditions are most likely to occur Nov-Feb and el nortes can close the port anywhere from a 1/2 day to several days, although this is not frequent.

Hurricane/tropical storm season is Jun-Nov, peaking around Sep-Oct, and again the probabilities are quite low.

Have fun.

it's hard to predict what it will do at a certain time, because it changes! You can talk to several people who all went a certain month and each of them will have experienced different weather. Out of all my trips I've only had 1 solid day of rain--otherwise, if it did rain, the rain showers only lasted a few minutes. And it can even rain at one end of the island and be sunny at the other!

Rain doesn't stop the diving though and the seas are usually calmer while it's raining. Nortes are about the only thing that stop the diving in Coz because of the winds and those are in the winter months. Well, and a hurricane, but we won't jinx it. :)

You should be fine if you go in the summer--just dress for heat and high humidity and bring bug repellant for the mosquitos. Like Gordon said, there really is no bad time to go to Coz!

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