Are Oceanic not bothering with Scubaboard anymore ??

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Where have all the Oceanic people gone ?, there are many threads that need some input by Oceanic but all seems quite for the last few weeks.

Yea, most of Doug's time has been taken up by me! :wink: We're both going to Australia at the end of this month for a large scuba conference down there, (no need to feel sorry for me... it's the kind of sacrifice I'm willing to make for the industry) and we are both presenting.... but some of the topics cross, so we've been chasing down some thoughts - I've made him look through all kinds of PDF files on different stuff to come up with solid answers to a lot of my stupid questions...

And you guys don't know Doug all that well... He went to Cozumel with us... Great guy, excellent diver, very knowledgeable, and has no clue how to get his computer to see the printer on their network.... Some guys just specialize!

But if you have anything pressing.... I'm sure he'll get you an answer... just as soon as he figures out how to put that darn password thingy in the box and click the mousy arrow thing on the button.

Hi Larry,

Read your posts on Diveoz, great to have you coming down here, shame that you are not getting to Melbourne as a dive on the wall in Port Phillip bay heads would have to rate as one of the best in Aus. Anyway how about some fixes for at least 2 of the threads here on Scubaboard. A:False temperature reading on atom2 , I have written about this now for 5 months and I now find others with the same fault, how about a answer from Oceanic !!!!
B: The thread on Oceanlog beta needs lots of answers, particular my questions on the SAC readings, and lots of other issues mentioned there.

Anyway have a nice time in Aus :)

Hey Doug,

Could you be a little more specific about the post above, Perhaps a month & year of this "monday" so as I can look forward to reading your responses.

I keep hearing lot about false temperature readings, I've had a Veo100nx do the same, I've heard of a VT3, and a Veo180 - Do they all share the same temperature module?

I still like Oceanic gear - in fact I have a Atom2 coming on Friday...I hope I don't experience issues with it :(

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