Hello I am looking for advice on where to go scuba diving in April. We have a family vacation in Hawaii and then I am going on a solo dive trip right after. My initial thought was Liveabord in Galapagos but I am reading it is not the best time to go. I am more of a vacation diver with the majority of my dives in Raja, GBR, and Fiji with a few dives at poor knights islands. Two places on my bucket list are Galapagos and French Polynesia but April is not seeming like the months to go there. Happy to know if someone thinks still worth going to Galapagos. I was considering Cozumel, Bahamas and Belize as additional options but am open to something else if you loved it. I have AOW cert with nitrox and around 70 dives. I will admit the small stuff is not as exciting to me as the big but I do love coral. Any input is greatly appreciated!