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500 - 999
Admin Edit: Posts split from DM Training Recommendation

6 responses and only ONE answers the question. How sad!!! I apologize Cabub!

I would wager that none of the posters posting you that you don't have enough experience have met you, talked with you or even seen you dive. It's easy to make assumptions that no one is worthy when they sit anonymously behind a keyboard.

If you have an answer to Cabub's question, please chime in. If you want to debate the merits of various methods of getting your Dive Master, go start another thread. Thanks.

Well Net Doc you live here in FL too and know we have the Widest Verity of diving. That is why in my very First post I asked a few questions that would really help give a better answer. Did he answer NO he didn't. We all could point him in a thousand directions here but it is best to know what kind of diving he is going to want to do.

You dont just go for your DM on a vacation. We all know this (unless it is a long one lol) IDC now come on you know there is a LOT that goes in to that. My LDS has an instructor that mainly does Lake and Spring diving. Others only want to teach in Salt. Again how can "WE" give him good advice when we have very limited info on what his plans are and his style of diving will be.

Education is the key. I have seen "Pick the right teacher for the right kind of diving" OVER and OVER in this board. So PLEASE how are we wrong by not answering his question when we rightfully cant.
So PLEASE how are we wrong by not answering his question when we rightfully cant.

If you don't know the question, you don't have to answer it. He was pretty specific and I could post a hundred shops that offer the training he described, but I chose to provide him the two that I am familiar with. Are you suggesting that you know of no shop where this could be done?

The following comments (save one) were people setting him up and/or bashing his desire to have at LEAST a two week course that would train him adequately to be a DM and possibly to continue on to become an instructor.

Let's consider what he didn't ask for:
  • Permission to take the course.
  • Whether he was ready to take the course.
  • The value of taking such courses.
  • Which is the most comprehensive course.

ScubaBoard works best when we stop trying to second guess everybody, and answer the question asked.

FWIW, I am moving this and your response to site support so we don't hijack the thread.

I see that in this post, you are pretty aggravated with people who just didn't answer your question. Maybe now you can now empathize with the need to just have your questioned answered directly. It's just nice.
If you don't know the question, you don't have to answer it.

It is unfair to answer his question without asking a few first.

He was pretty specific and I could post a hundred shops that offer the training he described, but I chose to provide him the two that I am familiar with. Are you suggesting that you know of no shop where this could be done?

I like you know many shops to offer him DM training. Can I point him to the best shop I think is possible with out knowing: What kind of diving he does and wants to teach? How long he wants to stay in Florida? (remember he "LIVES" in Texas) Is he moving here? Is he hear for a long vacation?? DM training could take a year in some cases. He did not give any "specifics" as you claim.

The following comments (save one) were people setting him up and/or bashing his desire to have at LEAST a two week course that would train him adequately to be a DM and possibly to continue on to become an instructor.

I never bashed him once as you know I just got the impression it was a fake post because of his lack of participation in his thread.

ScubaBoard works best when we stop trying to second guess everybody, and answer the question asked.

I know this but again he needs to be more specific. Would you have liked it if I just threw a couple of names out there not caring to try to give him a better answer.

FWIW, I am moving this and your response to site support so we don't hijack the thread.

I totally understand. Now folks are not going to get to see my points here which I know I have some darn good ones. They will see NetDoc coming down on a few folks for not answering the question that derserved more explanation on the OP.

I see that in this post, you are pretty aggravated with people who just didn't answer your question. Maybe now you can now empathize with the need to just have your questioned answered directly. It's just nice.

Good Point! No I am not aggervated I actually laughed when I read it. It is kind of hard to type sarcasum but I tryed. I on the other hand did ask at the min 3 Specific questions about planning a dive to the BHB. All that post gave me was the Link.
I added some info within my answer to his question. I also left a link in my post to this discussion.

Now go read your second post in that thread. It would appear that you were expecting to pounce.
I added some info within my answer to his question. I also left a link in my post to this discussion.

Now go read your second post in that thread. It would appear that you were expecting to pounce.

Expecting! How? I was just stating an opinion. Andy seemed to have a similar one. This Guy has asked for help, myself and 2 others so far have been asking him questions and there has been no participation from his part.

Like it or not with such a vague question like that people are going to susspect the post may be fishing and with out any participation yes people may "pounce" like always.
Why suspect? Not answering the question just puts people off... would you return upon asking an innocent question, only to be given the Scuba Inquisition? After all...

Inquisition? Seriously????? :rofl3: Gosh thats some powerful stuff.

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