Thanks for the "plug," Christopher!
The site's actually , though... Dot com is someone else.
Once there, go to "Talk" then "Equipment" and then "Regulators." You'll see everything you need there... Including the Apeks "slide show" presentation and all of the owners and service manuals. There's even a variety of places to get parts.
There was one parts supplier that asked not to be listed, for fear of being "blacklisted" by Apeks... That individual has asked me to keep their information private. So... I have one more parts resource available (here in the U.S.) if you'd like it, but you're gonna have to PM me or email me at to get it.
With a few of the right tools, the resources for understanding how it's done, and an afternoon, Apeks regs can be serviced - and serviced correctly - at home.
After my last LDS experience, nobody touches my regs but me.
I tend to service them... Well... As if my life depends on it. :54: