Anyone using Android? Gas Mixer app released

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Bethesda, MD
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200 - 499
I've written a gas mixing app for Google Android smartphones. It's on the market now. It costs money in the market to recoup development costs but I'm an open source kinda guy so the source is available on my project site. gasmixer - Google Code (Yeah, if you're cheap you could download the SDK and compile it yourself but is it worth the $3 savings?)

If you want to know more just ask. My intention is for this to be the first of my android diving-related apps, but not the last.


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I don't have an android phone (iPhone right now), but keep up the good work. I'm debating if my next phone will be an Android, or another iPhone. Having diving apps available for the android would be another plus as far as deciding factors go.
There are also a couple dive log programs out there in a beta stage, but other than those I think this is the first SCUBA app available on the platform. I intend to add several more diving and aviation apps as I get to writing them.

I'm banking on Android becoming more popular as different phones get released on different providers, since it will allow the platform to take hold in niches not served by the iPhone: people who want a camera flash, people in DC who ride the Metro which only has service with Verizon/Sprint, etc. There's also talk of manufacturers releasing Android netbooks, which would make a great dive planning tool. I doubt there will be many iPhone converts for the next two years since everyone's still in a contract.

Sorry I am way late on this! But I was thinking of getting the newest IPhone. I need for another app, and found now that I am taking my Advanced Nitrox course, that some of the technical diving apps could come in really handy, especially since there is just so many formulas to remember. I was wondering if your program(s) is the same as THESE. I understand yours are for a completely different platform. But I am kinda just checking out there, to see whats available,and who is using, writing or developing what? So any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I recommend you get a iPod touch for now... I'm swamped at work and haven't been doing much Android stuff lately but I'll be starting again soon. I have a rebreather checklist app almost ready to release and an enhancement roadmap for Gas Mixer. But I recommend a Touch because I'll have released a dive planner well before your iPhone two-year agreement with AT&T would be up :)

Gas Mixer doesn't handle best mixes based on max pO2's or END's yet. It will soon once I get back to working on it.

I searched for SCUBA on the Android Market yesterday and my app is still the only one that shows up, so I don't know of anyone else developing diver apps for Android. Kind of odd, but I don't mind the lack of competition...

When you do your advanced nitrox, I recommend you not rely too heavily on any software to do the math at first. By learning and applying the formulas you get the concepts better ingrained.
I've written a gas mixing app for Google Android smartphones. It's on the market now. It costs money in the market to recoup development costs but I'm an open source kinda guy so the source is available on my project site. Google Code (Yeah, if you're cheap you could download the SDK and compile it yourself but is it worth the $3 savings?)

I'd gladly pay the $3 (or $10 if it works ok) but paid apps are not available in Sweden so I can't even try it out. :-(

I tried to build the app using the SDK, but I get dependency problems, seemingly related to the ScubaTanks dependency, but I'm not sure as I'm not familiar with Eclipse.

Description Resource Path Location Type
R.drawable.tank_icon cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 275 Java Problem cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 129 Java Problem cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 54 Java Problem cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 153 Java Problem cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 313 Java Problem cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 59 Java Problem cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 94 Java Problem
R.layout.main_cylinder cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 67 Java Problem
R.layout.set_start_cylinder cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 40 Java Problem
R.string.download_now cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 279 Java Problem
R.string.result_fillto cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 123 Java Problem
R.string.result_fillto cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 130 Java Problem
R.string.result_fillto cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 137 Java Problem
R.string.scubatanks_message cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 277 Java Problem
R.string.scubatanks_needed cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 276 Java Problem
R.string.use_ideal cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 285 Java Problem
ViewId cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 164 Java Problem
ViewId cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 69 Java Problem
ViewId cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 70 Java Problem
ViewId cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 75 Java Problem
ViewId cannot be resolved GasMixer/src/divestoclimb/gasmixer line 76 Java Problem

Any advice?

I'm going out of town for a few days, but when I get back I can just PM it to you...

If you don't want to wait, the dependency you're running into is ScubaLib, a separate java library that handles all the math. That needs to be built into a .JAR and added to the project.
I have the Hero for Sprint, I have used the Gas mixer a couple of times while mixing tanks. works easy enough

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