Anyone have a pre-made packing/inventory list they'll share?

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We're leaving for Cozumel tomorrow morning and I've been trying to create a complete packing/inventory type list that can be used again in the future. I would like to include on the list not just what we are bringing but all the items we would need/or like to take on a tropical dive vacation so we would remember what to pick up at dive shop or gear to rent at resort.
Does anyone have one they would be willing to share?


ps- Even if you read this post after thursday morning please respond anyway since I am trying for use in future also.
I have a list in Excel that I use to tick off when packing for holidays. If you want a copy send me an email (I will PM you with the best email address to use).

Since I am based in the UK I will only be around until just after 12pm Eastern Time.
mollydog18 once bubbled...


ps- Even if you read this post after thursday morning please respond anyway since I am trying for use in future also.

I got this off Diverlink a while back, but couldn't find it this morning to provide you a link (their site is different now), so here's a copy I had downloaded. The one I use is highly modified, but this original one may work for you.

It's a Word document zipped to 9K.

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