Anyone going to Playa del Coco at the end of June?

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Mr. Sunday

Scuba Instructor
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I'm a Fish!
I’m going to Playa del Coco at the end of June and plan at least one day to dive the Bat Islands. This is the low season in Costa Rica and some of the dive ops require 2-4 divers to do trips out to the bats. I am going to be flying down possibly by myself and if anyone is going to be in the area and is interested in hooking up to try and find some Bull Sharks let me know. BTW The dive Ops require a minimum of advanced to do these dives
we have a group of 4 that will be diving out of playa del coco June 14th-17th
Curious to hear who you are diving with. We dove with Rich Coast great on water operation but their office management left a lot to be desired so I am wondering if the new owners have clean up the mess.
I just came back from Coco and dove with Rich Coast Diving. A great operation and I must say they surely have got their act together, the shop looks great, the staff is very proffesional and I did see bull sharks on the 16th of June this year 16 to be exact!
At my first dive I sucked my air big time, but the second dive I was more relaxed and totally enjoyed it!

I would recommend them any time!
Have a good trip and enjoy your dives!
Is Patrick still at Rich Coast?
I had planned to be diving with Deep Blue originally. My buddy is doing his DM course with them but they have changed owners without any notice and we may go with another outfit. I can’t wait. I am actually off to the airport in a few hours. Just got set up on my new B/P and wing last night and am looking forward to a new setup. I will post a trip report when I return.

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