Anyone else has this problem???

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Safety Harbor, Florida
I was coming up from a shallow dive at Pillars Patch in the Keys (30ft). There was a fairly good current both at the surface and at depth. While hanging on the tag line waiting for the others to climb the ladder. As I was pulling myself towards the ladder, still breathing on my reg, the line got caught around the tank valve. It must have rubbed the valve because as I went to draw a breath I got nothing, I immediatly switched to snorkel and boarded the boat. I wasn't OOA because i repressurized the line and the gauge read about 900 PSI. Has this ever happened to anyone else, or how do you avoid it when there is a strong current???
I use an H valve on my single tank with 2 first and 2 second stages, both independant from each other. If there is a problem in one, like the valve getting shut, you just switch to the other. Cheap insurance. What would have happened if the valve shut at 100' instead of 30?
Another option is to make sure that you can open your valve yourself.
Anyone else has this problem???


Wait, think about this... the tag line wrapped around the tank valve and managed to turn it enough times to shut it off at the surface?

"Rubbed the valve" Really?

Sounds like it wasn't turned on completely in the first place or you were break dancing or some information is missing here.
I just keep from tangling myself in tag lines and haven't ever had this issue.

Its as easy as it sounds, keep the running end of the line on the downcurrent side of you, pull yourself up it.
Ok...Ok OK OK OK....its PADI...BUT....Keep that hand over your head.
The tank must have been barely turned open for this to work. Fully open tank is the solution. H valve another nice idea as long as you fully open the valves.

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