Anybody utilizing 2 strobes on an Oly setup?

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Columbus, Ohio
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100 - 199
I have an Oly C5050 with Inon D180 strobe and am considering adding a second. Is anyone shooting with 2? Could you maybe point me to your site so that I can see the light differences? Anyone have any opinions on this? Thanks!
I have two Ikelite DS-125s and an Oly c5050/PT-015 housing. You can click on a link below to see some of my recent images. I like not having sharp shadows in my macro shots.
I'm using 2 SB105 w/oly 4040... > (all photos)
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Sometimes it's kewl using a stronger/weaker or pointed in a different direction for a dramatic look...
I'm using my new "pt-020 monster" (look here: ).
it is equipped with 2 Sea&sea YS90Auto strobes il TTL mode. In order to make it work in TTL mode I had to mount Mike's TTL Oly-> Nikonos converter.

Yeap it's heavy and big, but taking wide angle shots (I mount a UWL100 Inon add on .54x lenses) you can see the difference. The whole image gets perfectly illuminated.. however I've test it a little, will let you know the results as soon as I can test it more
<sigh> Looks like I'll be adding a second strobe shortly. Keep throwing money in the water

You didn't seriously for a moment think that the "Photographic Money Black Hole" was extinct did you (joking)
Just when you think it's safe to get into the water...
Whoosh... another improvement comes along...

To add a little salt to the money wound, I did see some Photog using 3-4 strobes... believe on this board somewhere..
Heck!? made sense to me eh??? LOL.... Hep me please.. !!! :wazzup:
Oh my dear
3 or 4 strobes? that makes sense if you've got 3 buddies carrying them and aiming them around when needed... then you'll miss a model to compose the scene ... then a storyboard to assemble a movie ...then... many other expensive things you'll need to buy.

Eheh thanks guys but I find two strobes being already too complicated to aim and carry.. well if any magazine's interested in paying me for taking shot.. well I can manage 3 or 4!
...not trying to exhaust this, but as an FYI...

He, alone, had the strobes on one camera tray.
Using the UCLS arms, after the 2nd? section he had a "Y" each with an arm so it would look something like this.. heheh.. as best as I can show it..
with two strobes on each end of the "Y". I saw a photo of him using 3 strobes, positioned at about 10 - 12 - 2 o'clock (using the face of a clock)..

Apparently the set up with 4- was at:
7 & 10 and2 & 5 or so... with longer arms...

Not easily done in rough seas eh??
Indeed not...
Last week in Maldives I was literally thrown away from the reef by the current while just trying to "open" my ULCS arm to shooting 2 and 10...
But if he added to its 4 strobes a set of hooks to keep itself attached to the reef... I could think about a set like that eheheh

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