any good deal on Oly C5050Z in Japan?

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A friend is going to Tokyo next month and I am tempted to get an Oly 5050. Just wondering if anyone has any information on prices in Japan, in comparison to the US (same friend is going to NY after her trip to japan) and places to get them in Tokyo.
In Thailand, the best price I could find is around $US800 I would be very tempted if I can find something closer to $US500.
I've been kicking around the possibility of upgrading to a C-5050 myself. I was told I could find the camera AND PT-15 housing for around $750. I haven't done any checking to verify it but have no reason to question it.

If you're friend is going to be in NY, check with B&H photo. Call them at 800.606.6969 / 212.444.6615 or their website is Also check with, Adorama, Leisurepro's camera department. Phone 800.223.2500. I say call because what they have in stock in the store is sometimes reported differently on the websites.
I've been kicking around the possibility of upgrading to a C-5050 myself.
(deep Darth Vader voice, while breathing through regulator) Dee, give in to the Dark Side. Come join us and together we shall rule the universe..... :D
checking, many places have the 5050 listed between $500-$550 so that looks pretty good. However my friend won't be going to the US till October (after my plan Similan trip) so anyone have any idea about Japan? I heard that photography equipment there is quite cheap.

thanks Dee for the link to the places in NY.
WITH 2-day shipping it was just under $1100.

About $50 of that was shipping charges.

I've gotten the housing wet (check for leaks BEFORE inserting expensive camera!) and it appears to be fine. I would have done some photography today but we only got one dive in - the sea state was not conducive to things today, and some of the folks on the boat ended up quite ill as a consequence.... so we called it a day way early.
Dee, if you find the 5050z and the pt-15 for around 750 please pm me where i can get one.
ssra30 once bubbled...
A friend is going to Tokyo next month and I am tempted to get an Oly 5050. Just wondering if anyone has any information on prices in Japan, in comparison to the US (same friend is going to NY after her trip to japan) and places to get them in Tokyo.
In Thailand, the best price I could find is around $US800 I would be very tempted if I can find something closer to $US500.

The best place to check in Tokyo is Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku. It is a cameral nuts dream. I got my PT-10 there for about US$140. They have an amazing selection of stuff.
I'm living in Tokyo and bought a C5050/PT015 package a couple of weeks ago. Theoretically cheapest place here is Akihabara district but my recomendation is to go straight to Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku. Currently they list C5050 Y89,800 and PT015 Y19,800. That's approx US769 and US169. I pay 5% tax, you get it tax free if you leave Japan inside 6 months.
Yodobashi has a Gold Point Card which currently gives you 15% discount on camera, 10% on housing - points are instantly redeemable for goods, so you can buy camera and get cheap housing or buy camera and housing and get free batteries, memory cards, whatever. Memory price examples CompactFlash Y8,000 (256mb), Y40,000 (1gb), 88,000 (2gb).
Store is huge, well laid out and as everywhere here, staff very helpful. Camera sales staff tend not to be too familar with products (too many of them) so have a clear idea of what you want before you shop.
By amazing coincidence, Yodobashi prices for camera and housing are exactly the same as popular Japanese mail order place
uwdigital, referred to by a few other people in this forum, they are at :-

Yodobashi site is :-
but Japanese only, cameras are the first link at the top, after that the pictures may help!
toy shop like Yodabashii or BIC camera you won't get an international warranty - that said those are not worth the paper that they are written on as I found out in the UK.....

Akiharbara I find is a bit more expensive but you will get an English manual and is generally easier to get the tax thing sorted out.

At the domestic shops a lot of the models have English labelled buttons if they are not pictures. If you ask them in the shop they will change it into English if you ask them - they did for my printer no problems.

You will almost certainly have to get the housing from a domestic shop - but they all stock them. If they don't go round the corner and the next one will

Happy shopping
Hi Jonathan to disagree with you...English manuals for Olympus are not commonly available in Akihabara or any place else in Japan except direct from an Olympus service centre, who will exchange Japanese manual for English if they have stock. Closest service centre to Akihabara and Shinjuku is Ogawamachi - open 6 days and ultra-cluey staff. Hope the reference to 'toy' shop wasn't a put-down - Yodobashi is a hugely successful business that will probably be there next year and the year after...Akihabara shops come and go on a regular basis.

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