Any decent diving near Panama City?

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Will be in Panama City, Panama for 4 days in mid July and don't have time to head anywhere far from the city. Are there any good dive sites nearby? Thanks.
You might also try Jimmy's Caribbean Resort--it's a couple of hours drive from Panama City--and they will pick you up. Jimmy is quite a character. Diving is OK--not the best. Very dependent on weather conditions. He might also be able to take you to the San Blas Islands--where the diving is much better. We there there last November--not the best time to go.
Will be in Panama City, Panama for 4 days in mid July and don't have time to head anywhere far from the city. Are there any good dive sites nearby? Thanks.

Contact any of the local shops and see if they are doing offshore trips. The sites are deeper and the vis usually much better. I have dove the Acokee (sp) and a number of other offshore wrecks and the vis is normally much better.
Contact any of the local shops and see if they are doing offshore trips. The sites are deeper and the vis usually much better. I have dove the Acokee (sp) and a number of other offshore wrecks and the vis is normally much better.
I was clearly not paying too much attention when I submitted this post. I know the difference between the two Panama Cities. Sorry.

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